Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#6396 closed defect (invalid)

unreliable opengl detection

Reported by: edoput Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone:
Component: Core engine Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


I am encountering a very strange issue with opengl features detection. Every time I have this error I can repeatedly power cycle the PC until I get 0ad to work. Obviously this is not the best solution and it's not deterministic. Some days it works others (e.g. today) it does not.

I'm attaching the logs directory content but I have no debug symbols so things are not readable just now.

Let me know if I can provide more context or information.

Attachments (1) (23.1 KB ) - added by edoput 2 years ago.
content of my logs directory

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (9)

by edoput, 2 years ago

Attachment: added

content of my logs directory

comment:1 by Stan, 2 years ago

Hey, could you try Phab:D721?

comment:2 by edoput, 2 years ago

I saw the build was successful and the change is merged, is there a binary to try?

comment:3 by Stan, 2 years ago

Gotta compile for now. Maybe the snap will be updated soonish.

comment:4 by edoput, 2 years ago

I managed to compile from the git master and I am still encountering the errors. Is there a way to debug the new loader externally from pyrogenesis?

I am ok with recompiling printfs everywhere I can but I would like to know if there is tooling available for this new loader to make debugging easier.

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by Vladislav Belov, 2 years ago

Replying to edoput:

I managed to compile from the git master and I am still encountering the errors. Is there a way to debug the new loader externally from pyrogenesis?

Sorry for the long answer. Could you attach logs for the git version?

comment:6 by Stan, 2 years ago

And to answer the question, you can't really debug the loader as the detection is not really done by it but rather through it. You'd have to write another application when you can just run the game.

comment:7 by Freagarach, 2 years ago

Milestone: Alpha 26Alpha 27

comment:8 by Stan, 2 years ago

Milestone: Alpha 27
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

From IRC

10:28 <@Stan> edoput: Do you still have your opengl issues ?
10:28 < edoput> yesterday I was speaking with Mentula and we both would like to be able to set a default camera rotation at runtime
10:29 <@Stan> edoput: D3507
10:29 < WildfireBot> D3507: Trailer hacks [not for commit] [Needs Review] –
10:29 < edoput> Stan: yes but only under wayland
10:29 <@Stan> edoput: Does it work with Vladislav EGL patch?
10:29 <@Stan> D4642
10:29 < WildfireBot> D4642: Add EGL support for Wayland [Needs Review] –
10:30 < edoput> it's also because of my current nvidia card and it's not a problem with pyrogenesis but the drivers. I got around to attach GDB to it and it just would not load the correct drivers to get a opengl context
10:31 < edoput> I saw that but until my pc does not load the correct drivers under wayland I can't test it
10:33 <@Stan> edoput: You need to pass the SDL flag in the test plan
10:34 < edoput> So as the camera rotation is not exposed I just cobbled this patch to make it possible to set/get most of the camera attributes from JS. This is enough for me to make wrapper and have a mod for the default rotation setting at runtime but I also would like some feedback on how to actually use the Script functions to register my native objects.
10:34 <@Stan> Ah Okay can I close you ticket then?
10:35 < edoput> Stan:  you can close it. I passed the SDL environment variable but it's not SDL's fault, just the driver would not load and it can't get a valid reference to a opengl context
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