Opened 17 months ago

Last modified 12 months ago

#6701 new defect

Fix the bundling scripts to work on Linux/Windows — at Initial Version

Reported by: Itms Owned by:
Priority: If Time Permits Milestone: Alpha 27
Component: Build & Packages Keywords:
Cc: wraitii Patch:


Right now the bundling scripts are tailored for use by the CI, which runs them under macOS.

A couple issues make the scripts not work on Linux:

  • has a /bin/sh shebang, but contains a bashism in defining LANGS. So it should be a /bin/bash shebang.
  • does not work with Linux tar: it fails with tar: '--same-order' cannot be used with '-c'.

Extra issue:

  • The new way of bundling without a svn export makes svnversion -n . spit 27473MP revision strings. Indeed, deleting incomplete translations marks the repo as modified. This is inconsistent with previous releases and current autobuilds which have 27473P revision strings.

Additionally, I would like to know how NSISBI was installed on the CI since I could only find it for Windows. This should be documented in line 40.

When using NSISBI on Windows, more issues arise:

  • ending ARCHIVE_PATH with a reverse slash does not work, and not adding the slash makes the installer put mods under binaries/data/mods/archives. It would be necessary to change ARCHIVE_PATH to not include the final slash on either platform and change line 141 of 0ad.nsi accordingly.
  • MakeNSISW does not provide a way to change the working directory so it cannot find FileAssociation.nsh on line 9 of 0ad.nsi. It would be better to put an explicit ${CHECKOUTPATH}\source\tools\dist\FileAssociation.nsh there.

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