Opened 8 months ago

Last modified 7 days ago

#6869 new enhancement


Reported by: abian Owned by:
Priority: Nice to Have Milestone: Backlog
Component: Core engine Keywords:
Cc: abian Patch:



Several earthquakes are known to have significantly affected ancient civilizations. One example is the 226/227 BC Rhodes earthquake, which destroyed the Colossus, one of the Seven Wonders. Another was the 464 BC earthquake, which killed thousands of people and destroyed several city-states (including Sparta), with consequences in politics and war.

0 A.D. implementation

It would be nice if 0 A.D. allowed for the unlikely but possible occurrence of unexpected earthquakes. Despite their infrequency, these earthquakes would introduce an exciting source of uncertainty and encourage players to keep in better condition certain buildings that, for not being in the front line of battle, tend to be forgotten and never repaired despite their damage.

0 A.D. earthquakes would decrease the health points of many randomly selected buildings regardless of their owner (human players, Petra Bot, Gaia...). If these buildings were in poor, unrepaired condition before the earthquake, the reduction in health could lead to their destruction. An earthquake should never destroy a civic center in good condition.

Earthquakes may or may not also affect units. For example, units may abort their orders, or garrisoned units may lose some health.

Players would notice the earthquake thanks to an informative chat message and unintentional camera or world movement, after which another private chat message could report the damage caused to each player's entities in very general terms.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Stan, 7 days ago

Milestone: Alpha 28Backlog
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