Opened 5 weeks ago

#6924 new enhancement

Gameplay Suggestions

Reported by: Alexandros Owned by:
Priority: Nice to Have Milestone: Backlog
Component: Core engine Keywords: gameplay, ideas,
Cc: Patch:


First of, the game is super! Trying to share my 2 cents in hopes it would seem useful to you guys! If I can help out by making 2D design stuff (anything really) or 3D (hard surface models) let me know! (tsecheridis@…)

Suggestions !

1) It would be nice if we could arrange soldiers in formations, select them all together and they then hold said formation. For example, when I try to put the pikemen in a phalanx, and place the cavalry around them in wedge formation, select them all together and advance, they all fall back to their individual formations. It would be cool if they kept the initial formation (an option to enable and disable this would be nice to avoid other problems)

2) The offline AI after suffering some initial lost minor battles, stops producing soldiers and attacking! This can be exploited by setting up a towncenter near the "AI", fortifying it and then just let the opponent spent his troops there. After that he will stop producing soldiers!!! For players like me who like to build up a big army and have one big decisive battle at the end this is kind of a bummer. So it would be nice if the offline AI keeps producing soldiers at all times and keeps expanding at all times (recources, land etc).

Not so important suggestions:

1) It would be cool to have a button that let's the soldiers form in historical formations (once the needed kinds of units are produced) It could be made so that the button tells the player what units more he needs to complete said formation (for example Macedonians would need the pikemen, silver shields, thessalian cavalry, hetairoi and some skirmishers)

2) This is going to sound weird and is probably going to change game play a lot but it would be cool if we could enslave the opponents conquered. Villagers, soldiers (The last 5-10 or so for example to mine metal etc. Would be historically accurate.

3) Armies could be made so to need supply lines. Food at least. Maybe have supply officers toward which the supplies should go. Something like that. Sounds boring, but supply lines are and were super important.

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Again, this is probably my favourite game, so I don't want to come off as complaining or demanding.

Just sharing ideas here.

Thanks again for the super game!

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