Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of Alpha27

Apr 17, 2023, 1:37:00 PM (13 months ago)
Vladislav Belov

Adds changes related to the engine.


  • Alpha27

    v16 v17  
    5858- Alexander hero auras
    5959- Seleucid civ bonus [[BR]]
     61== Engine ==
     62- r27106 Adds PS::span and std::string_view to CmdLineArgs. (Phab:D4677)
     63- r27110 Fixes vertex attribute stride in Canvas2D.
     64- r27156 Skips renderer resources preloading for screenshots.
     65- r27160 Reset m_EndsWithSpace to fix the uninitialized read of it introduced in rP26915. (Phab:D4806)
     66- r27164 Allow IP in StunClient tests added in rP25448. (Phab:D4792)
     67- r27174 Fixes without PCH build in StunClient missing include for std::byte added in rP25453. (Phab:D4814)
     68- r27192 Remove user.cfg from javascript
     69- r27202 Restrict access for Read/WriteFile functions
     70- r27230 Add JS bindings for in game camera attributes. (Phab:D4667)
     71- r27236 Updates glad library to 2.0.2.
     72- r27268 Fixes calling SDL functions in CVideoMode after SDL_Quit. (Phab:D4836)
     73- r27275 Makes GLES using high precision for both vertex and fragment shaders.
     74- r27329 Adds StaticVector implementation. (Phab:D4838)
     75- r27335 Update enet on Windows to 1.3.17.
     76- r27385 FSM cleanup: (Phab:D4868)
     77- r27388 Refactors window creation in CVideoMode. (Phab:D4866)
     78- r27398 Optional column "sort_order" attribute support olist GUI
     79- r27409 [SM91] Update to Spidermonkey 91.1.3 APIs (Phab:D4428)
     80- r27412 Adds Vulkan backend. (Phab:D4876)
     81- r27426 Commit the Spidermonkey tarball, as it puts extra strain on CI, and package manager builds don't have internet.
     82- r27438 Fixes creating window on macOS in case of missing Vulkan driver. Fixes #6681 (Phab:D4884)
     83- r27440 Fix bundled spidermonkey code in Premake.
     84- r27441 Fix a case sensitive issue on macOS. macOS usually do not use a case sensitive filesystem, hence why it got unnoticed.
     85- r27442 Fix a bug with Python >= 3.11 where -rU was removed as an open flag. (Phab:D4888)
     86- r27451 Fixes builds on some platforms for libfmt 4 after rP27329. (Phab:D4890)
     87- r27457 Update after SpiderMonkey's upgrade to 78.6.0 and 91.13.1.
     88- r27460 Fix and cleanup the SM91 build, fixes #6676. (Phab:D130410)
     89- r27461 Don't include source/test_root.cpp in bundles. (Phab:D4895)
     90- r27469 Fix FMT and NVTT not linking with the correct SDK. (Phab:D4898)
     91- r27470 Follow proper Shutdown sequence when using -dumpSchema, fixes #6696. (Phab:D4903)
     92- r27492 Fixes shadows cascades iteration.
     93- r27493 Updates shadows camera frustum after its recalculation.
     94- r27499 Fix: Crash atlas in relation to Terrain.cpp CalcPosition (Phab:D4900)
     95- r27512 Fixes DisplayVersion in NSIS on Windows. (Phab:D4892)
     96- r27513 ATLAS UI be aware of GUI Scale user config (Phab:D4915)
     97- r27517 Fix a warning in gloox headers on Windows after rP27490, refs #3004.
     98- r27521 Fixes Atlas previews after rP26142. (Phab:D4919)
     99- r27555 Fixes --with-system-premake5, fixes #6710, refs rP23675.
     100- r27556 Removes ogl.h from PCH. (Phab:D4950)
     101- r27564 Fixes GL ES version report after GL_INVALID_ENUM triggered by glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D).
     102- r27599 Use a lower default MTU for ENet hosts, and make it configurable. (Phab:D4967)
     103- r27601 Removes assertion from MinimapTexture on entities overflow.
     104- r27603 Adds an option to disable mouse grab in fullscreen. (Phab:D4974)
     105- r27606 Use premake5 beta2's `externalincludedirs` when available (Phab:D4980)
     106- r27607 Adds more libraries to feedback reports. (Phab:D4949)