Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #1192, comment 1

Mar 2, 2012, 11:13:42 PM (12 years ago)


  • Ticket #1192, comment 1

    initial v1  
    11The modified UnitAI.js in the diff makes animals have the following states:
    3 * IDLE state: Plays the normal "idle" animation. After a randomized amount of time (between FeedTimeMin and FeedTimeMax), it will choose whether to switch to the ROAMING state or the FEEDING state.
    4 * ROAMING state: Plays the "walk" animation and moves the unit randomly. After a randomized amount of time (between RoamingTimeMin and RoamingTimeMax), it will choose between switching to the FEEDING state or the IDLE state.
    5 * FEEDING state: Plays the "feeding" animation. After a randomized amount of time (between FeedTimeMin and FeedTimeMax), it will choose whether to switch to the ROAMINGFEEDING state or the IDLE state.
    6 * ROAMINGFEEDING state: Plays the "move_feeding" animation and moves the unit randomly. After a randomized amount of time (between FeedTimeMin and FeedTimeMax), it will choose whether to switch to the ROAMINGFEEDING state or the IDLE state.
     3* IDLE state: Plays the normal "idle" animation. After a randomized amount of time (between <FeedTimeMin> and <FeedTimeMax>), it will choose whether to switch to the ROAMING state or the FEEDING state.
     4* ROAMING state: Plays the "walk" animation and moves the unit randomly. After a randomized amount of time (between <RoamingTimeMin> and <RoamingTimeMax>), it will choose between switching to the FEEDING state or the IDLE state.
     5* FEEDING state: Plays the "feeding" animation. After a randomized amount of time (between <FeedTimeMin> and <FeedTimeMax>), it will choose whether to switch to the ROAMINGFEEDING state or the IDLE state.
     6* ROAMINGFEEDING state: Plays the "move_feeding" animation and moves the unit randomly. After a randomized amount of time (between <FeedTimeMin> and <FeedTimeMax>), it will choose whether to switch to the ROAMINGFEEDING state or the IDLE state.
    88Added a <Feeds> boolean element to the <UnitAI> element in entity templates.