Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #1391, comment 14

Jun 18, 2013, 6:47:39 AM (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #1391, comment 14

    initial v1  
    77 the easiest way to test that is with a fishing boat and a single infantryman.
    88* Is it desired that if I order one unit to garrison in the ship, it moves toward that unit exclusively, but ignores further garrison orders until it's finished? This seems to break the typical order handling where the most recent order takes precedence.
    9 * A buggy case I found: take a formation of units on the opposite side of a decent sized lake from a waiting ship, tell them to garrison in it, both the units and ship start moving, the ship certainly meets the formation, but the formation continues walking far out of its way before turning back and re-approaching the ship.
     9* A buggy case I found: take a formation of units on the opposite side of a decent sized lake from a waiting ship, tell them to garrison in it, both the units and ship start moving, the ship certainly meets the formation, but the formation continues walking far out of its way before turning back and re-approaching the ship. This is unnecessary and can be a waste of precious time in the game.
    1010* It seems weird that the transporter ends up testing UnitAI orders for the loading units, could they send a message instead when/if they leave the garrison approaching state and no longer need transport? Presumably the transporter would continue following the target(s) until it received this message?
    1111* As a convention, don't access member variables of another component directly, use getter/setter functions if you need to do that.