Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #1449, comment 41

Aug 11, 2012, 10:30:45 AM (12 years ago)


  • Ticket #1449, comment 41

    initial v1  
    1515I agree.
    17 IMO this is not really a wall_builder.js issue btw. It's the result of 2 general rms issues:
     17IMO this is not really a wall_builder.js issue btw. It's the result of 2 general rms design issues:
    1818- In rms entities can be placed anywhere, even on impassible terrain. In addition there is no way to check if an entity is placed that way AFAIK. This is (I'm sorry to say this again) a result of splitting rmgen from simulations and there's no way (yet) to get the entity properties like obstruction/footprint/... to check this sane.
    1919- There is no way (yet) to remove entities in rmgen. If a new entity is placed there should be a method to remove all obstructing other entities so for example walls remove trees inside them when placed.
     21EDIT: To get more constructive I'd propose to open a ticket like "Add access to entity templates for RMS" or something. I don't have any idea how to do this well so I'm not doing it ATM. If anyone has ideas please let us know. I'd implement it then and try to better wall placement afterwards.