Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #1449, comment 5

Jun 6, 2012, 9:47:27 PM (12 years ago)


  • Ticket #1449, comment 5

    initial v1  
    1 Here's the new Iberian wall with gates replaced with gaps. The maximum overlapping I noticed was about 0.5 rms tiles (~0.1 engine units). I guess that should be OK. Now only the corners are randomly placed and a well fitting corner derivation is picked out of 100 tries. Long walls are just set in between while every 3rd wall is a gate (gap until gates work, to try just replace wall_builder.js line 802 "entry" with "gate"). Due to the longer walls there are less towers now.
     1Here's the new Iberian wall with gates replaced with gaps. The maximum overlapping I noticed was about 0.5 rms tiles (~0.1 engine units). I guess that should be OK. Now only the corners are randomly placed and a well fitting corner derivation is picked out of 100 tries. Long walls are just set in between while every 3rd wall is a gate (gap until gates work, to try just replace wall_builder.js line 802 "entry" with "gate"). Due to the longer walls there are less towers now. Thx to quantumstate I got rid of a bug that made me hit the ceiling ;) THX!