Changes between Version 1 and Version 4 of Ticket #1496

Jun 12, 2012, 2:16:58 PM (12 years ago)
Jonathan Waller

The second occurred because the code checks all enemy units near where the arrow hit for collisions, so non targeted entities like the formation controller get tested.


  • Ticket #1496 – Description

    v1 v4  
    11There's a few bugs related to #18 / r11886, reproducible as follows:
    2  * '''Error: a unit is fired upon while garrisoning.''' Ranged enemy units approach and attack some of your units. Meanwhile garrison your units in e.g. towers. If there's enough attackers and enough of your units, by chance a missile will be fired while your units are garrisoning, when it "hits" the entity has gone off-world (into the tower).
    3  * '''Error: units are fired upon while in formation.''' Select several units and move them around an enemy ranged unit (towers work well) without stopping, until they get hit. This causes the null footprint error: the target entity is a "special/formation".
     2 * ~~'''Error: a unit is fired upon while garrisoning.''' Ranged enemy units approach and attack some of your units. Meanwhile garrison your units in e.g. towers. If there's enough attackers and enough of your units, by chance a missile will be fired while your units are garrisoning, when it "hits" the entity has gone off-world (into the tower).~~
     3 * ~~'''Error: units are fired upon while in formation.''' Select several units and move them around an enemy ranged unit (towers work well) without stopping, until they get hit. This causes the null footprint error: the target entity is a "special/formation".~~
    44 * '''Attack fails: a unit dies while being fired upon.''' To reproduce this it helps to have several towers with units garrisoned inside, firing upon numerous enemy units.