Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #1501

Sep 10, 2019, 3:27:49 PM (5 years ago)


  • Ticket #1501 – Description

    v3 v4  
    33Similarly to #131 for structures, there should be damage effects like smoke/fire particles for ships.
     7Create falling animation for ship masts.
     9This will allow a slower sink/decay time for ships which in turn will allow them to stay sunken on the bottom longer without looking strange (masts sticking out of the water after the ship has decayed below the ocean floor).
     11* Simple version * (requires the mast to stay attached to the ship)
     13Separate the ship mast out to its own model (or even just add a bone to the original model). Animate the ship mast to simply snap. It needs to stay attached to the ship in some fashion or the tilting that happens during sinking will look bad.
     15* Complex version * (does not require the mast to stay attached to the ship)
     17To accomplish this, the masts will need to be extracted from the existing models (the .blends or other uncompressed formats, not the collada / .dae files). An actor will be created for each mast. The masts will be removed from the original ships and replaced with a prop point. The new mast model will be referenced at the prop point. This might be difficult as some of the old models are not in the .dae format and cannot easily be edited.
     19One falling animation will be created per mast. An addition mast actor will be created that will reference the new falling animation. This actor will be swapped with the regular mast actor when a ship is "killed".
     21This ticket is somewhat related to: ​