Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#1572 closed enhancement

[PATCH] Water effects enhancements. — at Initial Version

Reported by: wraitii Owned by: wraitii
Priority: Nice to Have Milestone: Alpha 12
Component: Core engine Keywords: water, shader, graphics, patch
Cc: Patch:


(creating a ticket since it seems more convenient and Kieran recommended it on another matter).

So I've been working on updating the water shader effects. This features: -A new setting: "superfancy", in-game "advanced effects" I believe, which activates : coastal foam, waves, more realistic water depth and thus water rendering. -For fancy and superfancy water, a nicer and more customizable system for choosing the color of the water, based on both the tint and the color of the water. -The normal map that simulates waves has been enhanced: it's smoother on superfancy as it interpolates more between each frame(thanks to myconid), its effect scales with the waviness (which thus becomes much more visible a factor).

It's already pretty much up-and-running, and should be reasonably fast. The basic mode has practically not been modified, the "fancy" has been slightly but should be about as fast, while the "superfancy" is a bit slower, but not by too much on my computer.

Waves are still sort of a WIP at the moment.

This patch would fix, myconid added shadows on water. This patch sort of references #1501 (ship sinking effects could fairly easily be added, I believe). This patch may reference /#1380. I don't believe it fixes it but it may change a few things (haven't checked myself).

(I'm still having a few troubles with this "patch" thing, so if it doesn't work, do report).

Change History (1)

by wraitii, 12 years ago

Attachment: water.patch added
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