Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #2043, comment 14

Jul 29, 2013, 10:53:04 AM (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #2043, comment 14

    initial v1  
    44> It's possible that this W7 has sdl2, that could explain the thing as there is already some "#if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2, 0, 0)" compiler tags (Didn't explicitly check if it works both on alpha13 and SVN, but I think so).
    6 You would know if you were using SDL2 because you'd have to disable our "wsdl" that is hardocded in the engine, and change the build system slightly, and have SDL2 dev libraries compiled and placed in our libraries directory so the game finds them :) And if you're using the latest SDL2 release candidate, you would have to fix the build breakages described on #2041. (The Windows build doesn't even use the v1.2 SDL.dll in binaries/system)
     6You would know if you were using SDL2 because you would have to disable our "wsdl" that is hardocded in the engine, and change the build system slightly, and have SDL2 dev libraries compiled and placed in our libraries directory so the game finds them :) And if you're using the latest SDL2 release candidate, you would have to fix the build breakages described on #2041.
     8(The Windows build doesn't even use the v1.2 SDL.dll in binaries/system, because it's buggy)