Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #2127, comment 15

Sep 12, 2013, 10:39:55 PM (11 years ago)
Jonas Platte


  • Ticket #2127, comment 15

    initial v1  
    11Replying to [comment:13 alpha123]:
    22> The "micro optimizations" make the code longer in return for not being any faster. Also note this code isn't a bottleneck or performance intensive at all, plus is going to be thrown away in a matter of weeks or months.
    3 As my test program shows, those optimizations have an impact (see comment #11). You could be right about other people throwing it away, but I plan to do some more contributions on 0ad so I can be there to tell people why they should do it this way :P
     3As my test program shows, those optimizations have an impact (see comment 11). You could be right about other people throwing it away, but I plan to do some more contributions on 0ad so I can be there to tell people why they should do it this way :P
    55> The problem with {{{ENSURE}}} is that while it isn't a mistake, it looks like one, even to an experienced C++ programmer like Yves. It doesn't help that the docs in lib/debug.h are rather ambiguous.