Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #3267, comment 2

May 26, 2015, 6:57:55 PM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #3267, comment 2

    initial v1  
    99With the exception of moving the location of the /user folder using Windows itself so it knows where it is. I didn't blindly cut-n-paste the contents to another drive. I simply told it I would like to move the contents / location to another drive and when I click library from Explorer it opens the /user folder contents on the 2nd drive. This process took over 18 hours to move the 450,000+ files and media I have saved from the 1Tb to 2Tb drive. And I disabled any power-saver and standby mode just to make sure it wouldn't get interrupted as it was transferring files.
     11This doesn't explain why it does let me in to play Alpha 18 and after exactly 10 clicks on the continue button. I've tried it more than a dozen times now. Each time exactly 10 click and in I go. So we can change the priority of this now as some strange phenomenon or unrelated error as it seems I still am the only one experiencing this problem. I guess no one else decided to move their entire /user directory to another larger drive.
     13Doing it this way frees up system resources when one drive is engaged the second is free to download or whatever. This way I don't get the lag time or pauses when playing media because the drive is trying to catch up. Having a 6-core processor I set the core dependency for certain tasks so I am never lagged or behind. I can easily download/torrent to one drive, while watching a movie stored on the 2nd drive and chatting in social media all the while converting files and more without any lag or pause of my tasks and buffers. Also having a 250 Mb/s cable connection helps.