Changes between Initial Version and Version 5 of Ticket #3267

May 27, 2015, 1:12:13 AM (9 years ago)

The GetDirectories() and GetFolderPath() functions in wutil.cpp are identical in a17 / a18 / 0ad. In particular that call to the windows API is identical

personalPath = GetFolderPath(CSIDL_PERSONAL);

Therefore there should be no reason why a18 crashes, but a17 doesn't, strange.

That dwFlags argument for that API call is also 0 = SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT:

SHGetFolderPathW(hwnd, csidl, token, 0, path);

It should there return the current directory, in case you have redirected that folder. Therefore it should give the correct directory in theory.

Looking at that value and your screenshot, that directory seems to be okay... besides that chinese character.

We really need someone with windows 7 who can compile 0ad to reproduce and debug this.


  • Ticket #3267

    • Property Summary st_ino number keeps changingCrash - can't get 'my documents' directory
  • Ticket #3267 – Description

    initial v5  
     1Refs #3172.
    13Since I re-installed Windows 7-64b and removed the 2nd and 3rd physical drives there shouldn't be any issues with custom loaders and dual booting as I had before. When I boot into the program, the program error window pops up as usual and like usual we hit continue and it lets us in or not. I noticed something this time. Each time I pressed the, "continue", button, a string value kept changing while all the other values were the same.