Changes between Initial Version and Version 3 of Ticket #3560

Nov 2, 2015, 12:38:50 AM (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #3560

    • Property Summary Explain trading in loading screenAdditional loading screen tips
  • Ticket #3560 – Description

    initial v3  
    1 Even experienced players don't know how to trade efficiently. We should add some info to the tips that are shown in the loading screen (can be found in `binaries/data/mods/public/gui/text/tips`):
     1There are some game features that even experienced players don't know about. We should add loading screen tips explaining those. These consist of a text file in `gui/text/tips` and an image file with the same base name in `art/textures/ui/loading/tips/`.
    3 Usability:
    4 * Killing trade carts loots the resources they carry.
    5 * The routes trade carts use can be reassigned by selecting trade carts and then rightclicking two markets.
    6 * The ratio of gathered resources can be set in the trading dialog at the top left.
    7 * The ally will get 25% of the resources when trading with his market.
     3Below is a list of topics needing some explanation and some relevant information. Note that certain topics might need multiple tips. Note that the categories need not be this way so if you have another way of arranging them (eg something about dropsites) go for it.
    9 Efficiency:
    10 * The profit increases with the distance, thus markets should be built as far apart as possible.
    11 * At some distance trade carts generate income faster than the same amount of men gathering resources.
    12 * Trading with carts from a market to a dock helps with increasing the distance.
    13 * Since producing a trade cart costs 80 metal, killing some of them can be more damaging to the enemy than destroying a civic centre!
    15 This is more than fits into a single of these txt-files, so splitting it in two files might be advisable.
    17 Notice the file also contains a name of an image that will be displayed.
     5 * Barter
     6   * Rates are global, so a player watching them can turn a profit by exchanging resources.
     7   * Exchanges one resource for another at the rate listed there.
     8   * Requires a market (or is done at one)
     9 * Loot
     10   * Killing units gives some resources
     11   * Killing trade carts loots the resources they carry.
     12 * Mauryan Worker Elephant
     13   * Resource dropsite (can be used to gather outside of your territory)
     14   * Can help construct buildings
     15 * Dock
     16   * Dropsite for all resources (also for land units)
     17   * Build ships
     18   * Can be built outside of own territory
     19 * Nomad Mode
     20   * Start without a CC
     21   * Can build that where you want
     22   * Use a dock to gather resources early without placing the CC (if not enough resources)
     23 * Trade
     24   * Trade routes between two markets (or one market and a dock, or two docks)
     25   * Merchant Ships and Traders can open trade routes
     26   * You can trade with yourself, but trading with an ally or a neutral player is better. The other player will get a share of the traded resources, but there is a gain bonus too.
     27   * Trade routes are set by selecting a trader and the right-clicking on two markets.
     28   * The ratio of traded resources can be set in the trading dialog at the top left.
     29   * The profit increases with the distance, thus markets should be built as far apart as possible.
     30   * At some distance trade carts generate income faster than the same amount of men gathering resources. So this is a good way to get resources in late-game.
     31   * Trading with carts from a market to a dock helps with increasing the distance.
     32   * Enemy trade routes are a valuable target since they should be quite long and hard to defend, and you both get some loot, and deal their economy a blow.