Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 2 years ago

#3987 new defect

Chosing a random civilization should mean that all civs have the same chance of being picked — at Initial Version

Reported by: elexis Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Backlog
Component: UI – Game setup Keywords:
Cc: O.Davoodi, s0600204, Krinkle Patch:


Since r12704, the current gamesetup code in launchGame() first picks a random culture (like hellenic or celtic) and then picks a random civ of that culture.

That however means that some civs are over/underrepresented. For example the chance to get Ptolemies is three times bigger than the chance to get Athens (as there are three hellenic civs).

Here the cultures of the available civs (binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/civs):

spart.json:	"Culture":"hele",
mace.json:	"Culture":"hele",
athen.json:	"Culture":"hele",
gaul.json:	"Culture": "celt",
brit.json:	"Culture": "celt",
rome.json:	"Culture": "rome",
sele.json:	"Culture":"sele",
ptol.json:	"Culture":"ptol",
maur.json:	"Culture": "maur",
pers.json:	"Culture": "pers",
cart.json:	"Culture": "cart",
iber.json:	"Culture": "iber",

In my humble opinion, this should be reverted, so that all civs have the same chance of appearing. (Just because they share some of the same buildings and stats doesn't mean they should be picked less often.)

Change History (1)

by Sandarac, 8 years ago

Attachment: trulyrandomcivs.js.patch added
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