Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of Ticket #973

Nov 18, 2013, 7:15:59 AM (10 years ago)

Replying to historic_bruno:

Any progress on this, any patch or git fork we can see that shows even the least active development?

Sorry for the delay. Things have been quite hectic at school. I have made some changes to naval-manager so that it should account for the naval options of all existing civilizations. The only snag that I have hit is that I am unsure of a quick way to determine if an entity (namely a dock or a fishing spot) is in the boundaries of a particular region. If someone would be willing to clarify this, I would then be able to enhance the naval-manager to determine accessibleSeas, and to implement the algorithm that I have been planning to coordinate fishing.


  • Ticket #973

    • Property Keywords review patch added
    • Property Milestone BacklogAlpha 16
  • Ticket #973 – Description

    v20 v21  
    1 The AI should build a dock, train a boat and then attack when it feels like it has a strong army.
     1 [PATCH] The AI should build a dock, train a boat and then attack when it feels like it has a strong army.