Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of Atlas_User%27s_Guide

Jul 16, 2009, 2:49:32 AM (15 years ago)
Michael D. Hafer



  • Atlas_User%27s_Guide

    v7 v8  
    224224 * '''Sun overbrightness''' – makes it possible to make the sun brighter than otherwise would have been possible. The further to the right the slider is, the brighter the sun
    225225 * '''The shaded sphere''' is just a more visual way to interactively edit the Sun rotation and elevation
    226  * '''Skyset''' – doesn't do anything in this version of Atlas (the EWU version) (or rather without more skysets to choose from, so it can be ignored)
     226 * '''Skyset''' – is where you can change the look of the sky in the game. This is useful for getting a specific look to the water as the sky is the primary thing reflected by the water in the game (as in real life)
    227227 * '''Sun color''' – changes the color of the sun (the light in the 3D world) which together with the terrain ambient is the way to control how much shadows there are + which colors shadows are
    228228 * '''Terrain ambient''' – the ambient is the “background lighting” ie how light/dark those parts of the map which are not affected directly by the sun are, this button allows us to control the color of that lighting (and thus also how bright/dark they are depending on how light/dark the color we choose is).