Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of Coding_Conventions

Nov 24, 2011, 2:19:29 PM (12 years ago)
Philip Taylor

more conventions


  • Coding_Conventions

    v7 v8  
    9696 * Try to avoid very wide lines. Typical wrapping points are 80 characters, or 120, or 132, etc. (There's no strict limit - aim for whatever seems most readable.)
     98 * Write switch statements like
     100switch (n)
     102case 10:
     103    return 1;
     105case 20:
     106    foo();
     107    // fall through to next case    [this should be explicit if you don't end with break or return]
     109case 30:
     110    bar();
     111    break;
     113case 40:
     115    int i = n*2;       // [need the extra {...} scope when declaring variables inside the case]
     116    return i;
     120    debug_warn(L"invalid value for n");   // [only do this kind of warning if this case is an engine bug]
     125=== Error reporting ===
     127 * For engine bugs (that is, error cases which need to be fixed by C++ developers, and which should never be triggered by users or modders (even if they write invalid data files)), use "`debug_warn(L"message")`" to report the error. (This pops up an ugly dialog box with stack trace and continue/debug/exit buttons.)
     129 * For error cases that could be triggered by modders (e.g. invalid data files), use
     131LOGERROR(L"Failed to load item %d from file %ls", i, path.c_str());
     133 This gets display on screen in red, and saved in the log files.
     134 ''Exception:'' Code in `source/lib/` can't use `LOGERROR` (it can only use things defined in `source/lib/`).
     136 * The engine should try to cope gracefully with `LOGERROR` cases, e.g. abort loading the current file; it should never crash in those cases.
    98138=== Documentation ===
    125165=== Strings ===
    127  * Use `CStr` instead of `std::string`. Use `CStrW` instead of `std::wstring`. (These are subclasses of `std::[w]string` with various extra methods added for conveniene.)
     167 * Use `CStr` instead of `std::string`. Use `CStrW` instead of `std::wstring`. (These are subclasses of `std::[w]string` with various extra methods added for convenience.)
     168  * ''Exception:'' `source/lib/` and `source/simulation2/` and `source/scriptinterface/` tend to prefer `std::[w]string` instead.
    129170 * For portability, use the following formats for printf-style functions:
    139180 * In header files, avoid `#include` and use forward declarations wherever possible.
     182 * Sometimes it's nice to put `#include`s in alphabetical order.
    141184 * Class names are !CamelCase and prefixed with `C`, e.g. `CGameObject`. Member functions are !CamelCase, e.g. `CGameObject::SetModifiedFlag(...)`. Member variables are !CamelCase prefixed with `m_`, e.g. `CGameObject::m_ModifiedFlag`. Files are named `GameObject.cpp`, `GameObject.h`, usually with one major class per file (possibly with some other support classes in the same files).
    149192  * When unavoidable, global variables should be named with a `g_` prefix.
    150193  * Prefer global variables over singletons, because then they're not trying to hide their ugliness.
     195 * Don't do "`if (p) delete p;`". (That's redundant since "`delete NULL;`" is safe and does nothing.)
     197 * If deleting a pointer, and it's not in a destructor, and it's not being immediately assigned a new value, use "`SAFE_DELETE(p)`" (which is equivalent to "`delete p; p = NULL;`") to avoid dangling pointers to deleted memory.
     199== !JavaScript ==
     201 * Use the same basic formatting as described above for C++.
     203 * Use roughly the same Doxygen-style comments for documentation as described above for C++. (But we don't actually run Doxygen on the JS code, so there's no need to make the comments use technically correct Doxygen syntax.)
     205 * Don't omit the optional semicolons after statements.
     207 * Use quotes around the key names in object literals:
     209var x = 100, y = 200;
     210var pos = { "x": x, "y": y };
     213 * Create empty arrays and objects with "`[]`" and "`{}`" respectively, not with "`new Array()`" and "`new Object()`".
     215 * Non-standard !SpiderMonkey extensions to the JS language may be used (though prefer to use equivalent standard features when possible). Documentation: [ 1.6], [ 1.7], [ 1.8], [ 1.8.1], [ 1.8.5], [ typed arrays].
     217 * To convert a string to a number, use the "`+`" prefix operator (not e.g. `parseInt`/`parseFloat`):
     219var a = "1";
     220var b = a + 1;     // string concatenation; b == "11"
     221var c = (+a) + 1;  // numeric addition; c == 2