Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of RMS:Triggers

Feb 23, 2008, 4:18:59 AM (16 years ago)



  • RMS:Triggers

    v1 v1  
     1== trigger(func) ==
     2This is the constructor. It defines the function(s) that will be called iteratively and registers them.
     3== priority(int=1) ==
     4This method defines the priority the trigger has.
     5== enable() ==
     6This method activates the trigger.
     7== disable() ==
     8This method deactivates the trigger.
     10Every trigger starts with a preceding function that contains the code we want "triggered". To make it a trigger, you would create a new Trigger object specifying the function(s) you want to work with:
     13   function trigName()
     14   {
     15      if(accumulated("food") >= 500)
     16      {
     17         sendchat("this player has 500+ food!");
     18      }
     19   }
     21   trigger = new trigger(trigName());
     24Now, The trigger is registered and recognized by the engine. You, then, have to activate it to make it work. To activate/deactivate triggers, you use the enable and disable methods. For optimization, you can also set a priority for triggers within 4 different levels (1 being default). Priority must be called before enabling it:
     27   trigger.priority(4);
     28   trigger.enable;
     29   trigger.disable;
     32Additionally, you may want to group functions for easy modification and work with them as you would with one. So, you can create a trigger group like this:
     35   trigger = new trigger(trigName(), trigFoo(), trigBar());
     38== Trigger Reference ==
     40=== Conditions: ===
     43   trigAISignal(ai, signal);
     44   trigCinematicAbort();
     45   trigAccumulated(player, attr);
     46   trigUnitsAllDead();
     47   trigBuildingsAllDead();
     48   trigBringObjectToArea();                         // Waiting for Bobby to define this
     49   trigBringObjectToObject();                       // Waiting for Bobby to define this
     50   trigCheatEntered(string);
     51   trigChatContains(string);
     52   trigChatChoiceAnswer(string);
     53   trigChance(int);
     54   trigObjectDestroyed(object);
     55   trigDifficulty();
     56   trigDiplomacyChange(source, target, type = all);
     57   trigDistanceToPoint(object, point, radius);
     58   trigDistanceToObject(source, target, radius);
     59   trigPercentComplete(object);
     60   trigPercentDamaged(object);
     61   trigLogCompare();                                // what is this?
     62   trigLogCheck();                                  // what is this?
     63   trigVarCompare();                                // what is this?
     64   trigVarCheck();                                  // what is this?
     65   trigObjectInteracted();                          // how is this used?
     66   trigObjectActive(object);
     67   trigObjectDead(object);
     68   trigObjectChanged(object);
     69   trigObjectVisible(player, object, amount);
     70   trigObjectsInArea(object, area);
     71   trigObjectOwned(player, object);
     72   trigObjectCaptured(player, object);
     73   trigObjectSelected(player, object);
     74   trigObjectTypeSelected(player, type);
     75   trigObjectGarrisoned(object, type, amount);
     76   trigPlayerActive(player);
     77   trigPlayerAtPop(player);
     78   trigPlayerDefeated(player);
     79   trigPlayerDistanceToPoint(player, point, radius);
     80   trigPlayerDistanceToObject(player, target, radius);
     81   trigPlayerIsBuilding(player, type);
     82   trigPlayerResigned(player);
     83   trigPlayerUnitCount(player, type);
     84   trigTechResearch(player, tech);
     85   trigTechResearched(player, tech);
     86   trigTechResearching(player, tech);
     87   trigTimer(ms);
     90=== Effects: ===
     93   trigAIScriptGoal(); // details here
     94   trigCampaignAdvance();
     95   trigCampaignNext();
     96   trigAreaStringChange();
     97   trigHeroChange();
     98   trigBlockAllAmbient();
     99   trigBlockAllMusic();
     100   trigBlockAllSounds();
     101   trigCameraCut();
     102   trigCameraTrack();
     103   trigChangeDiplomacy();
     104   trigChangeElevation();
     105   trigChangeOwnership();
     106   trigChangeTerrain();
     107   trigChangeView();
     108   trigCheats();
     109   trigChat();
     110   trigCinematicMode();
     111   trigChatClear();
     112   trigUIClear();
     113   trigCounterValueAdd();
     114   trigCounterStop();
     115   trigCounter(); //isn't this a condition just like timer?
     116   trigCounterClear();
     117   trigWaterCreate();
     118   trigDeclareVictory();
     119   trigDisplayInstructions();
     120   trigEndGame();
     121   trigUnitEnable();
     122   trigFadeToColor();
     123   trigFadeOutSounds();
     124   trigFadeOutMusic();
     125   trigMinimapFlare();
     126   trigUIFlash();
     127   trigUIFlashCategory();
     128   trigUIFlashTech();
     129   trigUIFlashTrain();
     130   trigFlashObjects();
     131   trigMinimapFlashObjects();
     132   trigGameSpeed();
     133   trigMainMenu();
     134   trigGroupChange();
     135   trigGrantResources();
     136   trigHealUnit();
     137   trigHideScore();
     138   trigHighlightUnits();
     139   trigKillObject();
     140   trigKillObjectsInArea();
     141   trigLockAllGates();
     142   trigLockGate();
     143   trigLog();
     144   trigLogChange();
     145   trigModifyObject();
     146   trigModifyObjectAbility();
     147   trigModifyObjectIcon();
     148   trigModifyObjectName();
     149   trigModifyResourceValue();
     150   trigMoveObjectToArea();
     151   trigMusicFilename();
     152   trigMusicMood();
     153   trigMusicPlay();
     154   trigMusicStop();
     155   trigObjectAnimation();
     156   trigObjectChangeType();
     157   trigObjectCreate();
     158   trigObjectDamage();
     159   trigObjectDamageInArea();
     160   // cheezy's did you check with them to see if this was possible? maybe load them at start
     161   // and do a switch type thing?
     162   trigObjectFileLoad();
     163   trigObjectFreeze();
     164   trigObjectHeading();
     165   trigObjectInAreaMove();
     166   trigObjectScale();
     167   trigObjectStop();
     168   trigObjectTask();
     169   trigPatrol();
     170   trigGamePause();
     171   trigObjectiveWindowPause();
     172   // kinda redundant, why not just make conditions to check if they are open, then do game pause?
     173   trigPhaseUpgradePause();
     174   trigPlaceFoundation();
     175   trigPlayDialogue();
     176   trigPlayDialogueChoice();
     177   trigPlayRPGDialogue();
     178   trigPlayMovie();
     179   trigPlaySound();
     180   trigPlayerDestroyAllBuildings();
     181   trigPlayerDestroyAllUnits();
     182   trigPlayerLOSChange();
     183   trigPlayerSetActive();
     184   trigPlayNextMusicTrack();
     185   trigRateConstruction();
     186   trigRateResearch();
     187   trigRateTraining();
     188   trigRateReset();
     189   trigDataLog();
     190   trigRemoveMiniMap();
     191   trigRemoveObject();
     192   trigRemoveObjectsInArea();
     193   trigRenderFog();
     194   trigRenderRain();
     195   trigRenderSky();
     196   trigRenderSnow();
     197   trigReshroud();
     198   trigRevealMap();
     199   trigChatSend();
     200   trigChatSendChoice();
     201   trigSetPlaylist();
     202   trigSetLighting();
     203   trigSetObjective();
     204   trigSetHint();
     205   trigDefeatPlayer();
     206   trigPlayerWon();
     207   trigUnitOutlines();
     208   trigUnitScramble();
     209   trigShakeCamera();
     210   trigSoundFilename();
     211   trigSoundPause();
     212   trigScrambleStop();
     213   trigTechStatus();
     214   trigTeleportUnits();
     215   trigToggleView();
     216   trigToggleTerritories();
     217   trigTransferResources();
     218   trigTributeResources();
     219   trigUnblockAllAmbient();
     220   trigUnblockAllSounds();
     221   trigUnblockMusic();
     222   trigUnfreezeUnit();
     223   trigUnload();
     224   trigUnlockGate();
     225   trigUnitBuildBuilding();
     226   trigUnitGarrison();
     227   trigUnitWork();
     228   trigUserControls();
     229   trigWinMessageSet();
     230   trigLossMessageSet();
     231   trigWriteToLog();
     232   trigYouLose();
     233   trigYouWin();