Version 6 (modified by sanderd17, 11 years ago) ( diff )

Viking longboat was sorted with the thebans

Unit Summary Page Generator

This script will generate the content for the Unit Summary Table page.

from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
import os

basePath = "/home/jonathan/programming/0ad_tech/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/"

def loadData(fileName, basePath, general, cost, attackRanged, attackMelee, armour):
	d = pq(filename=basePath + fileName)
	if d("Entity").attr("parent") != None:
		unitInfo = loadData(d("Entity").attr("parent")+".xml", basePath, general, cost, attackRanged, attackMelee, armour)
		unitInfo = {'general':{}, 'cost':[0,0,0,0,0], 'attackRanged':[0,0,0,0], 'attackMelee':[0,0,0], 'armour':[0,0,0]}
	for attr in general:
		if d(attr).text() != None:
			unitInfo['general'][attr] = d(attr).text()
	for i in range(len(cost)):
		if d(cost[i]).text() != None:
			unitInfo['cost'][i] = float(d(cost[i]).text())
	for i in range(len(armour)):
		if d(armour[i]).text() != None:
			unitInfo['armour'][i] = float(d(armour[i]).text())
	for i in range(len(attackRanged)):
		if d(attackRanged[i]).text() != None:
			unitInfo['attackRanged'][i] = float(d(attackRanged[i]).text())
	for i in range(len(attackMelee)):
		if d(attackMelee[i]).text() != None:
			unitInfo['attackMelee'][i] = float(d(attackMelee[i]).text())
	return unitInfo

def printUnit(fileName, basePath):
	general = ["GenericName", "SpecificName", "Vision > Range", "Health > Max", "WalkSpeed"]
	cost = ["Cost > * > food", "Cost > * > wood", "Cost > * > metal", "Cost > * > stone", "Cost > BuildTime"]
	attackRanged = ["Attack > Ranged > Pierce", "Attack > Ranged > Hack", "Attack > Ranged > Crush", "Attack > Ranged > MaxRange"]
	attackMelee = ["Attack > Melee > Pierce", "Attack > Melee > Hack", "Attack > Melee > Crush"]
	armour = ["Armour > Pierce", "Armour > Hack", "Armour > Crush"]
	generalTitles = ["Unit", "Specific Name", "Line of Sight", "Health"]
	costTitles = ["F", "W", "G", "S", "T"]
	aTitles = ["P", "H", "C"]
	unitStuff = loadData(fileName, basePath, general, cost, attackRanged, attackMelee, armour)
	if fileName.endswith("_b.xml"):
		unitStuff["general"]["GenericName"] += " (basic)"
	if fileName.endswith("_a.xml"):
		unitStuff["general"]["GenericName"] += " (advanced)"
	if fileName.endswith("_e.xml"):
		unitStuff["general"]["GenericName"] += " (elite)"

	outString = "|| "
	for t in general:
		if t in unitStuff["general"]:
			outString += unitStuff["general"][t] + " || "
			outString += " || "

	for i in range(len(unitStuff["cost"])):
		if unitStuff["cost"][i] != 0:
			outString += costTitles[i] + "{0:g} ".format(unitStuff["cost"][i])
	outString += "|| "
	if sum(unitStuff["attackRanged"]) > 0:
		for i in range(3):
			if unitStuff["attackRanged"][i] != 0:
				outString += aTitles[i] + "{0:g} ".format(unitStuff["attackRanged"][i])
		outString += "(Range {0:g}) ".format(unitStuff["attackRanged"][3])
	if sum(unitStuff["attackMelee"]) > 0:
		for i in range(3):
			if unitStuff["attackMelee"][i] != 0:
				outString += aTitles[i] + "{0:g} ".format(unitStuff["attackMelee"][i])
		outString += "(Melee) "
	outString += "|| "
	for i in range(3):
		if unitStuff["armour"][i] != 0:
			outString += aTitles[i] + "{0:g} ".format(unitStuff["armour"][i])

	outString += "||"

	return outString

header = "||'''Common Name'''||'''Specific Name'''||'''Line of Sight'''||'''Health'''||'''Speed'''||'''Cost'''||'''Attack'''||'''Armour'''||\n"

f = open('unit_summary_table', 'w')

f.write("= Unit Summary Table =\n\n")
f.write("A more detailed description of the units is available on the [wiki:Manual_Units units page].\n\n")
f.write("The following abbreviations are used in this page\n\n")
f.write("  F = [wiki:Manual_Terminology#Food food], W = [wiki:Manual_Terminology#Wood wood], M = [wiki:Manual_Terminology#Metal metal], S = stone, T = training time (seconds), H = Hack, P = Pierce, C = Crush\n\n")
f.write("The data is based on the basic form for all units that can be promoted.\n\n")

prefixes = ["hele", "spar", "athe", "mace", "rome", "cart", "pers", "maur", "theb", "gaul", "brit", "iber","viking"]
expanded = ["Hellene", "Spartan", "Athenian", "Macedonian", "Roman", "Cathaginian", "Persian", "Mauryan", "Theban", "Gaul", "British", "Iberian","Viking"]

f.write("== Contents ==\n")
for i in range(len(prefixes)):
	f.write("* [#" + prefixes[i] + " " + expanded[i] + " Units ]\n")


lastCiv = "none"

os.chdir(basePath + "units")
fileList = os.listdir(".")

# Hack to order basic units before advanced
for i in range(len(fileList) - 1):
	if fileList[i].endswith("_a.xml"):
		if fileList[i+1].endswith("_b.xml"):
			tmp = fileList[i]
			fileList[i] = fileList[i+1]
			fileList[i+1] = tmp

for files in fileList:
	if files.endswith(".xml") and not files.endswith("packed.xml") and not files.endswith("unpacked.xml"):
		if not files.startswith(lastCiv):
			for prefix in prefixes:
				if files.startswith(prefix):
					i = prefixes.index(prefix)
					civName = expanded[i]
					f.write("== " + civName + " Units == #" + prefix + "\n")
					lastCiv = prefix
		f.write(printUnit("units/" + files, basePath).encode("utf-8")+"\n")

f.write("\n\nThis page was generated using this [wiki:Unit_Summary_Table_Generator unit summary table generator script]."+"\n")
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.