Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#2855 closed defect (fixed)

Decide on ptol and sele military colonies attack

Reported by: mimo Owned by: scythetwirler
Priority: Nice to Have Milestone: Alpha 18
Component: UI & Simulation Keywords: design
Cc: Patch:


ptol and sele have military colonies instead of civil centre, which have a disabled attack (although they inherit buildingAI arrows from civil centre). So I think it is misleading to give them the metropolis tech which is supposed to double their defaultArrows as it has no effect. I think it would be better, instead of disabling completely their attack component, to give them a small (but non zero!) defaultArrow (1 instead of the 3 from civil centre would be fine) and may-be a zero GarrisonArrowMultiplier if the goal is to keep them weak.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by scythetwirler, 10 years ago

Milestone: BacklogAlpha 18
Owner: set to scythetwirler
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Nikos, 10 years ago

Military colonies could become a form of barracks for Sele/Ptol training any settler troops (Greek, Macedonian, Galatian, Thracian) while normal barracks train native asian/egyptian etc levy troops. That would give them the normal CC and the Hellenistic Metropolis tech (they are the Hellenistic factions after all). MC could have a limit of one per CC simulating the region has settler troops, with some buff for Seleucids who were very focused on this and/or possibly some tech increasing their limit/reducing build time or traintime.

If the above is rejected, please mind that those are ment to be the housings of semi-professional reserve troops, so having a weak defense doesn't make much sense.

comment:3 by Lionkanzen, 9 years ago

Michael say, they needs have a mix between barracks and cc like and academy in AOEO I and give actual for to Gaia mercenary camp

comment:4 by Itms, 9 years ago

Keywords: design added
Summary: Inconsistent tech for sele & ptolDecide on ptol and sele military colonies attack

I closed #2941 as a duplicate and updated the title here.

comment:5 by scythetwirler, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

I've decided to add a small attack to the military colony that is a tad weaker than its CC counterpart (on the git).

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