Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#3258 closed enhancement

Visual Replay Menu — at Initial Version

Reported by: elexis Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Alpha 19
Component: UI & Simulation Keywords: patch
Cc: Patch:


0ad will have the functionality to replay a game visually (see #9). To make this feature accessible to all users, a menu should be added that allows the user to select and start replays.


A new main menu item called "Replay" should be placed below the Singleplayer and Multiplayer buttons.

If clicked, it should show a list with selectable items, one for each replay file (commands.txt) found, similar to the Singleplayer->LoadGame dialog.

If an item is selected, it should display useful information of that match, including date, time, playernames, map thumbnail, victory condition and population count.

The dialog should have buttons "Cancel", "Delete" and "Play".

Also another text input line would be great, where you can enter some arbitrary strings, like playernames, mapnames, victory condition in order to filter the items displayed and find particular games quickly.

Technical Requirements:

The commands.txt must contain the engine version so that it can be checked explicitly for compability before replaying the file. It should also contain a timestamp, so that the date value won't be lost if players share their files over the internet.

The engine version is currently saved in XmppClient.cpp and should be moved to another file.

m_client->disco()->setVersion("Pyrogenesis", "0.0.19");

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