Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#3322 closed defect (fixed)

Ship stuck in unbuilt dock

Reported by: elexis Owned by: wraitii
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Alpha 19
Component: Core engine Keywords: pathfinding
Cc: Patch:


If you place a dock where currently a ship resides, then the ship can't leave the foundation and the dock can't be built.

I've attached a sample commands.txt file.

Attachments (2)

commands.txt (19.0 KB ) - added by elexis 9 years ago.
For r16832. The first dock was used to produce the boat, the ship could escape the second dock but not the third one placed at minute 1.
commands.2.txt (100.9 KB ) - added by elexis 9 years ago.
Replay for r16832 where the bug occurs many times.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

by elexis, 9 years ago

Attachment: commands.txt added

For r16832. The first dock was used to produce the boat, the ship could escape the second dock but not the third one placed at minute 1.

comment:1 by elexis, 9 years ago

Notice that active, blockMovement, blockPathfinding, blockFoundation, blockConstruction, disableBlockMovement, disableBlockPathfinding = true for the dock. The same error does not happen for a CC and some units (they move away from the foundation correctly). That foundation has the same values as the dock above.

Also notice that when the workers are trying to build the foundation, that the ship tries to move out of the way, but only reaches the edge of foundation (so that it doesn't leave it).

In the new replay file that I attached below, you can see that I tried to reproduce it about 20 times and it seems that the ship only can't escape the foundation if I have a skirm cav standing on or near the foundation too. So it's probably identical to the stuck units bug (skirm cav stuck in the woods, women stuck at the edges of fields).

by elexis, 9 years ago

Attachment: commands.2.txt added

Replay for r16832 where the bug occurs many times.

comment:2 by wraitii, 9 years ago

Cc: Itms wraitii removed
Milestone: BacklogAlpha 19
Owner: set to wraitii
Status: newassigned

I'll check if this still happens.

comment:3 by wraitii, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Definitely seems fixed to me, probably by a combination of [17161] and [17152]

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