Opened 10 months ago

Closed 6 months ago

#6846 closed defect (fixed)

Revert non-ASCII characters from source and configuration files introduced in rP27786

Reported by: Vladislav Belov Owned by: Vladislav Belov
Priority: Release Blocker Milestone: Alpha 27
Component: Core engine Keywords:
Cc: bb Patch:


Change History (3)

comment:1 by bb, 9 months ago

Priority: Release BlockerMust Have

TL;DR: suggest to close as wontfix

The non-breaking space has ASCII code 255.

The changes done in the referred revision are >95% the copyright header. They should contain the proper name of the project. I.e., with a non-breaking space. The rest are some gui strings in the console, which should be non breaking as we don't want the gui to look ugly (even though it is the console). And there are some comments. In case, we don't like these (which I could understand to some extend, but mehed for now), I will look at them individually.

comment:2 by Vladislav Belov, 9 months ago

Priority: Must HaveRelease Blocker

I suggest to use a non-breaking space only when showing the project name in GUI. I can't call a project name a proper name (which wasn't accepted by the team) if it can't be typed by a user. The non-breaking space is need only in places where we're drawing a text (including dynamic size).

I think we need make all special characters in sources and configuration files be explicit and visible. Because currently it's indistinguishable from a regular space (in some editors it's shown as incorrect characters). I suggest to use them as escape sequences: \uNNNN (\xNN\xNN).

comment:3 by Vladislav Belov, 6 months ago

Owner: set to Vladislav Belov
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 27965:

Revert non-ASCII characters from source and configuration files introduced in rP27786.

Fixes #6846

Differential Revision:

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