Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#890 closed defect (worksforme)

Soldiers destroy towers instead of repair them

Reported by: Adrián Chaves Owned by:
Priority: Release Blocker Milestone: Alpha 6
Component: UI & Simulation Keywords: repair tower iberian
Cc: Patch:


Playing with Iberians, I sent some soldiers to repair a tower (not the wall tower, the other one), and although it had a repair animation, they where slowly destroying it instead.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Erik Johansson, 13 years ago

Component: Game engineSimulation

Hmm, what map were you playing on? Also, are you certain it wasn't your enemy's tower?

Another thing to check, is there anything attacking the tower at the same time you're repairing it? Especially note animals, some are aggressive and while they eventually shouldn't be able to do any harm to buildings they do now.

comment:2 by Erik Johansson, 13 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

comment:3 by Erik Johansson, 13 years ago

Please reopen if you can reproduce it and none of the explanations above are true. I'm closing it since you haven't replied with more info since I last posted, and since I wasn't able to reproduce it but rather found that with an animal attacking the building it could indeed seem like it was being destroyed while you repaired it. I noticed it with a lion on the Acropolis II map, but any animal that's set to be aggressive is likely to attack a building that gets too close (I've filed another ticket for that bug) and might not be noticed since you don't expect them to.

comment:4 by Adrián Chaves, 13 years ago

It happend playing online with my brother. When I found it out, I told my brother, and he tried it on one of his (also Iberian) towers himself. He’s just confirmed me it had happend to him too. Still, I will package alpha6 for Chakra (this bug was with alpha 5) and try to reproduce it.

comment:5 by Erik Johansson, 13 years ago

Ok, sounds good. Please reopen it if you can reproduce it as I said. And also, try to include some more info, especially useful would be steps to reproduce it. And things like, does it happen every time you try to repair an Iberian outpost? Does it happen regardless of whether you use one, or five, or ten units to repair? Does it happen on all maps? (If you see it again I assume it does, but if not that would increase the likelyhood for things like animals attacking the tower and you not noticing them etc)

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