Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#967 closed defect (duplicate)

Wild Animals Destroy Buildings

Reported by: Aritra Chakraborty Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Alpha 8
Component: UI & Simulation Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


Some of my villagers angered a wild elephant and the wild elephant followed my villagers back to the town center where it killed all the villagers and then started attacking the town center . After a while the town center was destroyed .

Attachments (1)

lions destroying buildings.jpg (506.2 KB ) - added by Aritra Chakraborty 13 years ago.

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Change History (10)

comment:1 by Aritra Chakraborty, 13 years ago

In real life Elephants destroy buildings . So elephants destroying buildings is not a problem . But currently in 0ad Lions and other animals also destroy building which is not possible in the real world . On top of that towers fortresses do not fire arrows at animals even if the animals are destroying them as well as they do not fire upon animals even when instructed (THIS A BUG) . So here is what I intend to do .

  1. Elephants can destroy buildings other animals can not .

2 . Towers and forts can fire on animals if attacked or if instructed to do so .

by Aritra Chakraborty, 13 years ago

comment:2 by alexhultman, 13 years ago

Yep, I played three whole games and found this very irritating. Shure elephants can destroy buildings but town centers, outposts and structures like fortresses should 1. automatically defend against animal attacks 2. kill any animal when instructed to do so.

comment:3 by alexhultman, 13 years ago

One thing though - currently elephants seem to actually target structures with an aggressive appetite. They are actually hunting structures down just like your enemies. Why not make the animal AI more passive? Animals should go after structures only when the structures in question are attacking them. As I said, I have played this game for some hours and find it really odd. I was going to file this bug myself but found this one so I'm telling my view here.

comment:4 by alexhultman, 13 years ago

Try the Serengeti game, elephants will eat you alive. :)

comment:5 by Aritra Chakraborty, 13 years ago

Summary: Wild Elephants Destroy BuildingsWild Animals Destroy Buildings

comment:6 by Aritra Chakraborty, 13 years ago

Owner: Aritra Chakraborty removed

comment:7 by Aritra Chakraborty, 13 years ago

I was unable to get an idea of how to fix the problem (can't get around source code new at game programming ) So I removed myself as the owner of the ticket . I have some suggestion for those trying to fix the problem .

1 . Create a restricted attack class for animals allowing them to attack only units and not structures (except elephants )

  1. Animals should attack other animals ( like lions should ray on deer etc)
  2. Herbivores animal behavior should be defensive and herbivorous animal should not attack unless attacked .

in reply to:  7 comment:8 by historic_bruno, 13 years ago

Component: Game engineSimulation
Keywords: simple removed
Milestone: Alpha 8Backlog
Priority: Must HaveShould Have

Replying to ac892006:

  1. Animals should attack other animals ( like lions should ray on deer etc)

I doubt we'll want that because wild animals are not created after the game begins, so it would be pointless if all the deer were eaten before the players even got a chance to hunt them. Even though it sounds more realistic, we're not trying to simulate nature :)

comment:9 by historic_bruno, 13 years ago

Milestone: BacklogAlpha 8
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Duplicate of #891.

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