Engine Functions

Table of Contents

  1. AI
  2. Simulation
  3. GUI

Example: Engine.GetPlayerID()


  • ComputePath
  • DumpImage
  • Exit
  • FileExists
  • GetTemplate
  • IncludeModule
  • ListDirectoryFiles
  • PostCommand
  • ProfileAttribute
  • ProfileStart
  • ProfileStop
  • ReadJSONFile


  • AddEntity
  • AddLocalEntity
  • BroadcastMessage
  • DestroyEntity
  • FileExists
  • FlushDestroyedEntities
  • GetComponentsWithInterface
  • GetEntitiesWithInterface
  • GetTemplate
  • ListDirectoryFiles
  • PostMessage
  • ProfileAttribute
  • ProfileStartProfileStop
  • QueryInterface
  • ReadJSONFile
  • RegisterComponentType
  • RegisterGlobal
  • RegisterInterface
  • RegisterMessageType
  • RegisterSystemComponentType
  • ReRegisterComponentType


  • ActivateRejoinTest
  • AddPlaylistItem
  • AddReplayToCache
  • AreModsPlayCompatible
  • AssignNetworkPlayer
  • AtlasIsAvailable
  • CalculateMD5
  • CameraFollow
  • CameraFollowFPS
  • CameraMoveTo
  • ClearAllPlayerReady
  • ClearPlaylist
  • ConfigDB_CreateAndSaveValue
  • ConfigDB_CreateValue
  • ConfigDB_CreateValues
  • ConfigDB_GetValue
  • ConfigDB_HasChanges
  • ConfigDB_Reload
  • ConfigDB_RemoveValue
  • ConfigDB_RemoveValueAndSave
  • ConfigDB_SaveChanges
  • ConfigDB_SaveValue
  • ConfigDB_SetChanges
  • ConnectXmppClient
  • Console_GetVisibleEnabled
  • Console_SetVisibleEnabled
  • Crash
  • DebugWarn
  • DeleteCampaignSave
  • DeleteReplay
  • DeleteSavedGame
  • DisconnectNetworkGame
  • DisconnectXmppClient
  • DisplayErrorDialog
  • DumpSimState
  • DumpTerrainMipmap
  • EnableTimeWarpRecording
  • EncryptPassword
  • EndGame
  • Exit
  • FileExists
  • FormatDecimalNumberIntoString
  • FormatMillisecondsIntoDateStringGMT
  • FormatMillisecondsIntoDateStringLocal
  • GameView_GetConstrainCameraEnabled
  • GameView_GetCullingEnabled
  • GameView_GetLockCullCameraEnabled
  • GameView_SetConstrainCameraEnabled
  • GameView_SetCullingEnabled
  • GameView_SetLockCullCameraEnabled
  • GetAIs
  • GetAllLocales
  • GetAvailableMods
  • GetBoardList
  • GetBuildDate
  • GetBuildRevision
  • GetBuildTimestamp
  • GetCameraPivot
  • GetCameraPosition
  • GetCameraRotation
  • GetCameraZoom
  • GetConflicts
  • GetCurrentLocale
  • GetCurrentReplayDirectory
  • GetDefaultPort
  • GetDictionariesForLocale
  • GetDictionaryLocale
  • GetEdgesOfStaticObstructionsOnScreenNearTo
  • GetEnabledMods
  • GetEngineInfo
  • GetEntitiesWithStaticObstructionOnScreen
  • GetFallbackToAvailableDictLocale
  • GetFileMTime
  • GetFileSize
  • GetFollowedEntity
  • GetFPS
  • GetGameList
  • GetGUIObjectByName
  • GetHotkeyMap
  • GetIncompatibleMods
  • GetLocaleBaseName
  • GetLocaleCountry
  • GetLocaleLanguage
  • GetLocaleScript
  • GetMatchID
  • GetMicroseconds
  • GetPendingTurns
  • GetPlayerGUID
  • GetPlayerID
  • GetPlayerList
  • GetProfile
  • GetReplayAttributes
  • GetReplayDirectoryName
  • GetReplayMetadata
  • GetReplays
  • GetSavedGames
  • GetScancodeKeyNames
  • GetSimRate
  • GetSupportedLocaleBaseNames
  • GetSupportedLocaleDisplayNames
  • GetSystemUsername
  • GetTemplate
  • GetTerrainAtScreenPoint
  • GetTextSize
  • GetTextWidth
  • GetUserReportConfigPath
  • GetUserReportLogPath
  • GetUserReportStatus
  • GuiInterfaceCall
  • HasIncompatibleMods
  • HasNetClient
  • HasNetServer
  • HasReplayMetadata
  • HasXmppClient
  • HotkeyIsPressed
  • IsAtlasRunning
  • IsGameStarted (This function is removed in A27 by r27883)
  • IsNetController
  • IsPaused
  • IsUserReportEnabled
  • IsVisualReplay
  • IsXmppClientConnected
  • KickPlayer
  • ListDirectoryFiles
  • LoadMapSettings
  • LobbyBan
  • LobbyGetJID
  • LobbyGetNick
  • LobbyGetPlayerPresence
  • LobbyGetPlayerRating
  • LobbyGetPlayerRole
  • LobbyGetRoomSubject
  • LobbyGuiPollHasPlayerListUpdate
  • LobbyGuiPollHistoricMessages
  • LobbyGuiPollNewMessages
  • LobbyKick
  • LobbySendMessage
  • LobbySetNick
  • LobbySetPlayerPresence
  • ModIoAdvanceRequest
  • ModIoCancelRequest
  • ModIoGetDownloadProgress
  • ModIoGetMods
  • ModIoStartDownloadMod
  • ModIoStartGetGameId
  • ModIoStartListMods
  • MusicPlaying
  • OpenURL
  • PauseOnFocusLoss
  • PickEntityAtPoint
  • PickNonGaiaEntitiesOnScreen
  • PickPlayerEntitiesInRect
  • PickPlayerEntitiesOnScreen
  • PickSimilarPlayerEntities
  • PlayAmbientSound
  • PlayMusic
  • PlayUISound
  • PollNetworkClient
  • PopGuiPage
  • PostNetworkCommand
  • ProfileAttribute
  • ProfileStart
  • ProfileStop
  • PushGuiPage
  • QuickLoad
  • QuickSave
  • ReadFile
  • ReadFileLines
  • ReadJSONFile
  • ReevaluateCurrentLocaleAndReload
  • ReloadHotkeys
  • Renderer_GetDisplayFrustumEnabled
  • Renderer_GetDisplayShadowsFrustumEnabled
  • Renderer_GetRenderDebugMode
  • Renderer_GetRenderPath
  • Renderer_SetDisplayFrustumEnabled
  • Renderer_SetDisplayShadowsFrustumEnabled
  • Renderer_SetRenderDebugMode
  • ResetCursor
  • RestartInAtlas
  • RewindTimeWarp
  • SaveGame
  • SaveGamePrefix
  • SaveLocale
  • SendChangeStateGame
  • SendGameReport
  • SendGameSetupMessage
  • SendGetBoardList
  • SendGetProfile
  • SendNetworkChat
  • SendNetworkReady
  • SendRegisterGame
  • SendUnregisterGame
  • SetActionGain
  • SetAmbientGain
  • SetBoundingBoxDebugOverlay
  • SetCameraData
  • SetCameraTarget
  • SetCursor
  • SetGlobalHotkey
  • SetGUIScale
  • SetMasterGain
  • SetModsAndRestartEngine
  • SetMusicGain
  • SetPaused
  • SetPlayerID
  • SetRankedGame
  • SetSimRate
  • SetTurnLength
  • SetUIGain
  • SetUserReportEnabled
  • SetViewedPlayer
  • StartGame
  • StartMusic
  • StartNetworkGame
  • StartNetworkHost
  • StartNetworkJoin
  • StartNetworkJoinLobby
  • StartPlaylist
  • StartRegisterXmppClient
  • StartSavedGame
  • StartVisualReplay
  • StartXmppClient
  • StopMusic
  • StopXmppClient
  • SwitchGuiPage
  • TemplateExists
  • TextureExists
  • Translate
  • TranslateArray
  • TranslateLines
  • TranslatePlural
  • TranslatePluralWithContext
  • TranslateWithContext
  • UnsetGlobalHotkey
  • UseLongStrings
  • ValidateLocale
  • WriteJSONFile
Last modified 10 months ago Last modified on Oct 12, 2023, 9:45:19 PM
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