Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1605 closed enhancement (fixed)

Add a "Used" section to each of the resources in the stats screen

Reported by: Erik Johansson Owned by: Deiz
Priority: Nice to Have Milestone: Alpha 11
Component: UI & Simulation Keywords: simple gui
Cc: Patch:


It would be really nice to be able to see how much of each resource you have used in the post-game statistics. I imagine it would be easiest/best to do it similar to how the barter statistics are done, just add a "/ Used" to the top and "/ #####" to the resource display to the right of each resource displayed as gathered.

Attachments (1)

used.patch (9.6 KB ) - added by Deiz 12 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

comment:1 by Deiz, 12 years ago

Milestone: BacklogAlpha 11
Owner: set to Deiz
Status: newassigned

I have a partially-complete patch locally that counts all resource usage (at the cmpPlayer level). It's simplest that way; I still need to subtract used resources if building foundations are destroyed or production batches are cancelled.

However, should the total actually be displayed? I was thinking that perhaps bartered resources shouldn't be (visually) counted as 'used'.

comment:2 by Erik Johansson, 12 years ago

Hmm, that's a difficult one :P On the other hand, as long as the resources gained by bartering are counted in the total gathered it makes sense to list the ones "lost" by it in the used column.

comment:3 by Deiz, 12 years ago

The 'gathered' counter only hooks into ResourceGatherer. It doesn't count market gains, kill loot, treasure, etc.

comment:4 by Erik Johansson, 12 years ago

Ok, well then I don't think bartered resources should be shown (though it does feel a bit weird to not have it all displayed in one place, but as long as there are places listing everything I guess it's fine. I'm not generally a statistics nerd, but it seems like this case almost makes me one =) ). Speaking of wanting more statistics: I don't think there is a "loot gained" or similar statistic =)

comment:5 by Deiz, 12 years ago

How's this layout? "Wood gathered" and such doesn't fit on one 100px line, and it seemed silly to have the same thing repeated four times, anyhow.

I opted for "Gathered / Used" rather than "Used / Gathered" because I think the latter implies that Used is supposed to be a portion of Gathered, when it's potentially much greater due to the aforementioned resource sources that aren't factored into Gathered.

by Deiz, 12 years ago

Attachment: used.patch added

comment:6 by Erik Johansson, 12 years ago

Looks good to me, I would be interested in what Michael/Pureon thinks though :)

It does make "Vegetarian ratio" seem a bit weird on its own like that, but on the other hand it's more of a "just for fun" thing anyway, so I'd say it's worth it :)

comment:7 by Deiz, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In 12543:

Added resource used counters that track all non-barter spending. Fixes #1605.

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