Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 20 months ago

#187 closed enhancement

Heap usage profiling — at Initial Version

Reported by: Philip Taylor Owned by:
Priority: Nice to Have Milestone:
Component: Core engine Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


Currently the in-game profiler shows the number of memory allocations per frame in each profile node (at least when compiled with MSVC and the Debug CRT). It might be nice to also show the total amount of still-allocated memory that has ever been allocated under a particular node, to see which bits are responsible for using lots of memory.

I expect that could be done without much pain by using _CrtSetAllocHook to catch allocations and frees: allocations can be added to the count in the current profile node, and some kind of map can store the allocation request number and the current node (I'm hoping you can remember nodes like that), and frees can look up the appropriate node to subtract the size from (because we don't want to count freed memory, and because it's not necessarily going to be freed in the same place as it was allocated). That'd be a little slow, so it should be optional and disabled by default.

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