Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#2652 closed enhancement (invalid)

A program where nothing is lost on shutdown should not ask if it really should shut down.

Reported by: Radagast Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone:
Component: UI & Simulation Keywords: main menu, exit, really terminate popup
Cc: Patch:


See blender: There is data that can be lost and yet it simply creates a small backup of it as quit.blend (simply saving the modified blender file to quit.blend if ordered to terminate)

0AD asks if it really should shutdown even though the user pressed Exit. As startup time is low and no info can be lost in the main menu anyway, this pop-up is unnecessary.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Radagast, 10 years ago

As a side-effect code size will be reduced, less GUI files have to be maintained, though this may be a minor reason.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by Josh, 10 years ago

Replying to Radagast:

As a side-effect code size will be reduced, less GUI files have to be maintained, though this may be a minor reason.

Pretty minor, it's only three lines. ;-)

And I'd recommend not comparing to blender (search the web to see how many people really dislike blender not having an exit dialog). It's typically better to compare to in-class programs. From my own experience, it's a general convention to have a exit confirmation dialog even if no data would be lost (For example, I think all the AoE games are like that).

I'm not trying to say that this is something we shouldn't discuss. But to me it seems fine as is. It would be nice to hear some more team member's opinions.

comment:3 by Radagast, 10 years ago

17:34 < JoshuaJB> scythetwirler: I'd like to hear your opinion on #2652 17:34 < WildfireBot> #2652 (A program where nothing is lost on shutdown should not ask if it really should shut down.) –

17:35 < scythetwirler> I don't see a problem with it. 17:35 < scythetwirler> (with the current system) 17:35 < scythetwirler> Occasionally, I click the X on accident when I mean to click maximize

17:40 < rada> scythetwirler: Didn't know it's the same command. I thought it only was the Exit button. 17:41 < rada> Then it's fine. 17:41 < rada> I use ALT+F4 anyway. 17:41 < rada> (where no such question is shown)

Because the ALT+F4 way I now also see this as no longer an issue. (I wonder why I pressed that Exit button anyway)

comment:4 by Stan, 10 years ago

Are you sure Blender doesn't have one ? It prompts me to save before quitting everytime /Offtopic

comment:5 by sanderd17, 10 years ago

Milestone: Backlog
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

A game should definitely ask to be shut down IMO. It's not just about saving the data, it's also about losing connection to the other players.

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