Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#298 closed task

Batch Training (Training queue) — at Version 1

Reported by: Michael D. Hafer Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Alpha 2
Component: Core engine Keywords:
Cc: Patch:

Description (last modified by Michael D. Hafer)

The concept of "Batch" training:

Essentially training many units (of a same entity type) at once. This would be in multiples of 5. So basically a player can train anywhere from 5-30 units at once and once the batch is done training, ideally when the formations have been implemented, all the units in that batch (say: 20 hoplites) should march to the rally point as a pre-grouped battalion in formation.

We were thinking there could be an economy of scale applied as well, akin to gaining a discount in either unit training cost or training time (or both) the more that you queue into one batch.

So, the task can be broken down into multiple components:

A.) Implementing the batching itself. The player procedure to queue a batch should be the shift-click the unit icon, each shift-click adding 5 units to the batch up to 30 units. If the shift key is let go at any time that batch is done queuing. Any further shift-clicking would create a new batch.

B.) The economy of scale discount. The formula for the discount could follow a simple bell curve, so that 15-unit batches would be ideal, but the player can continue to queue more units into the batch, up to 30, and still get a discount, but not as lucrative. Whether the discount is in train time or cost (or both) should be made available to do based upon testing.

C.) Grouped into a Formation. This is contingent upon formations being implemented first. The newly created batch, once it is done training, should proceed to the rally point as a grouped formation of units.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Michael D. Hafer, 15 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
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