Opened 9 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#3456 new enhancement

Quicker fast forward by not rendering frames in replays

Reported by: elexis Owned by:
Priority: Nice to Have Milestone: Backlog
Component: Core engine Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


Would be nice if we could use the fast-forward feature in replays without the requirement to render at least one frame per turn, thus improving the performance significantly. It should probably be used for 10x and 20x forward only.

Refs #3309

Change History (2)

comment:1 by elexis, 9 years ago

At some point we will have to render a frame, otherwise it will fast-forward forever. So this ticket has probably to wait for #3261. Then the user can click on a time-axis, the game will fast forward without rendering frames and stop if the desired time was reached.

Notice that the NetTurnManager already limits the rendering to one frame every 20 turns if the performance doesn't allow more when fast-forwarding with 20x speed. But if you look at the debug output, you will see that rendering that one frame still requires like a second each time, so there would be some improvement. Especially compare the visual-replay speed with the non-visual replay speed.

comment:2 by Itms, 5 years ago

Component: UI & SimulationCore engine
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