Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#455 closed task (wontfix)

Fix SVN server setup

Reported by: Philip Taylor Owned by: Philip Taylor
Priority: Should Have Milestone:
Component: Non-game systems Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


When we first got a lot of SVN users, the server processes kept eating up all available RAM and crashing the machine. So currently it's got mod_deflate disabled (suggested here) and SVNAllowBulkUpdates Off, which has solved that problem but makes checkouts really slow.

Probably what I should do is add some per-process memory limit so it'll safely die instead of causing serious harm, and then try to work out what situations trigger the high memory usage (particular versions of TortoiseSVN perhaps?), and deal with it appropriately (e.g. redirect users of bad clients to a slower, safer copy of the repository).

Also SVN snapshots would be nice.

Also adding a new URL for non-Windows users, that excludes the Windows libraries and binaries, would be nice.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Philip Taylor, 14 years ago

But be careful to avoid compressing GETs of music .oggs, since that would break <audio> hotlinking.

comment:2 by Philip Taylor, 14 years ago

Removing the SVNAllowBulkUpdates Off still causes high memory usage even with the Linux client, so that's no good. Experimentally tried adding compression back (disabled just for the music directory), which works okay (no memory leaks etc) with the Linux client - need to watch it carefully to see if it starts dying again.

comment:3 by Philip Taylor, 14 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Compression works okay, but I haven't done any of the other things suggested in the original post, and it's good enough for now that I'm not going to bother fiddling with it any more.

comment:4 by (none), 14 years ago

Milestone: OS Pre-Alpha 1

Milestone OS Pre-Alpha 1 deleted

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