Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#4576 closed task (needsinfo)

Disallow construction of military buildings with female citizens

Reported by: Phormio Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone:
Component: UI & Simulation Keywords: design
Cc: Patch:


It is possible to construct any number of military buildings by selecting a citizen-soldier, placing their foundation somewhere on the map and let female citizens build them without the citizen-soldier ever getting close. This is certainly not intended and should be fixed.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by elexis, 7 years ago

Component: Core engineUI & Simulation

I'm not if this is unintended. I'd find it odd not to be able to construct or repair buildings with females.

In Phab:D262 it was proposed to allow every unit to build every building, but we kept the status quo.

Maybe disallowing would make it more interesting if you can't just put all women to build the barracks, tower or fortress and keep the uniqueness of female buildlist which seems like nice a trait to me (even if it is somewhat nonsensical atm).

comment:2 by Lionkanzen, 7 years ago

No. Please don't.

comment:3 by leper, 7 years ago

This is sort of intended behaviour (at least discussions about how that is slightly strange yet still better than not allowing them to buidl those have been around for quite a few years).

However even if there is consensus (I doubt it) to disallow them to build everything, a bad implementation is likely to break the worker elephant.

comment:4 by Stan, 7 years ago

To me it would be a great way to exclude new players. The citizen concept which I support is weird enough not to add anything like it. IMHO current state makes some sense. If you want some civs where females can build everything like let's say Gauls as equity was more common to them why not. But anyways it should be discussed and agreed on and moreover to me it should have some historical basis.

comment:5 by fatherbushido, 7 years ago

close as won't fix?

comment:6 by Lionkanzen, 7 years ago

Yes, we can create a topic into forum. This kind of things needs community's approval.

comment:7 by elexis, 7 years ago

Keywords: design added
Milestone: Backlog
Resolution: needsinfo
Status: newclosed

Community approval? That exists? :P

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