Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#985 closed defect (fixed)

test show: "APIC: all zero"

Reported by: fabio Owned by: Jan Wassenberg
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Alpha 8
Component: Core engine Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


Since some days when I run the tests on my Ubuntu 10.10 I get this output:

Running 253 tests.............................................................APIC: all zero

Dunno if it's a problem or not...

Attachments (3)

system_info.txt (5.2 KB ) - added by fcxSanya 13 years ago.
system_info-Ben.txt (1.6 KB ) - added by historic_bruno 13 years ago.
lcpu_affinity_547.patch (2.9 KB ) - added by Jan Wassenberg 13 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (18)

comment:1 by fcxSanya, 13 years ago

This is debug message from source/lib/sysdep/arch/x86_x64/apic.cpp:57, Jan should know what it means. I sent him forum message.

comment:2 by Jan Wassenberg, 13 years ago

Owner: set to Jan Wassenberg
Status: newassigned

Thanks very much for posting this (and Alex for notifying me). So the CPU is not returning sensible APIC IDs, which is what triggered a recent bug (because that code path didn't receive much testing).

I'd love to understand why it is happening. Would you please attach your logs/system_info.txt?

comment:3 by fcxSanya, 13 years ago

I just ran tests and I see such message too. When I ran 0ad there is also following message:

$ ./pyrogenesis
Cache: 500 (total: 3960) MiB
TIMER| InitVfs: 253.196 ms
TIMER| InitScripting: 6.3663 ms
TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 234.818 ms
APIC: not unique

by fcxSanya, 13 years ago

Attachment: system_info.txt added

by historic_bruno, 13 years ago

Attachment: system_info-Ben.txt added

comment:4 by historic_bruno, 13 years ago

Uploaded mine too, since I get this error and it may help determine what we all have in common :)

comment:5 by Jan Wassenberg, 13 years ago

Thanks for the info, guys! I see what's happening with Ben's machine - it's just a single processor, not even HT-enabled, so the only APIC ID is 0. heh, haven't seen such a CPU in a loong time. I will add code to fix that later, but it doesn't really matter in a single-processor context anyway.

Alex: your issue is much more worrisome :S Please insert the following after the current line 74 of apic.cpp:

	for(size_t i = 0; i < numIds; i++)
		debug_printf(L"APIC %d: 0x%x\n", i, processorApicIds[i]);

and also a debug_printf immediately after the "generate fake but legitimate APIC IDs" comment to indicate whether that is happening.

comment:6 by fcxSanya, 13 years ago

Changed code:

static Status InitApicIds()


	const Status status = GetAndValidateApicIds();
	for(size_t i = 0; i < numIds; i++)
		debug_printf(L"APIC %d: 0x%x\n", i, processorApicIds[i]);

	if(status < 0)	// failed


		// generate fake but legitimate APIC IDs
		debug_printf(L"generate fake APIC IDs code reached\n");

		for(size_t processor = 0; processor < numIds; processor++)

			processorApicIds[processor] = sortedApicIds[processor] = (ApicId)processor;


	return status;


Few consecutive runs of tests (for .pyrogenesis similar results):

$ ./test
Running 253 tests..................................................................................................................................APIC: not unique
APIC 0: 0x2
APIC 1: 0x2
APIC 2: 0x2
APIC 3: 0x2
generate fake APIC IDs code reached
$ ./test
Running 253 tests..................................................................................................................................APIC: not unique
APIC 0: 0x1
APIC 1: 0x1
APIC 2: 0x1
APIC 3: 0x1
generate fake APIC IDs code reached
$ ./test
Running 253 tests..................................................................................................................................APIC: not unique
APIC 0: 0x3
APIC 1: 0x3
APIC 2: 0x3
APIC 3: 0x3
generate fake APIC IDs code reached
$ ./test
Running 253 tests..................................................................................................................................APIC: all zero
APIC 0: 0x0
APIC 1: 0x0
APIC 2: 0x0
APIC 3: 0x0
generate fake APIC IDs code reached

Other values than 0x0, 0x1, 0x2 and 0x3 don't appears.

This explains why there was "all zero" for tests and "not unique" for pyrogenesis yesterday :)

comment:7 by Jan Wassenberg, 13 years ago

Aha! Thanks very much for the output :D It looks like the APIC IDs are legitimate (0..3 for your quad-core CPU). However, the problem is that we disabled affinity support on Linux :( (#547) I've attached a patch that hopes to fix this - it's unfortunately untested since I only run Windows. Would you please give it a try?

Reference as to the functions that were used:

comment:8 by fcxSanya, 13 years ago

It don't builds now:

../../../source/lib/sysdep/os/linux/lcpu.cpp: In function ‘uintptr_t os_cpu_SetThreadAffinityMask(uintptr_t)’:
../../../source/lib/sysdep/os/linux/lcpu.cpp:104:25: error: ‘CONFIG_NR_CPUS’ was not declared in this scope
../../../source/lib/sysdep/os/linux/lcpu.cpp:127:2: error: ‘ret’ was not declared in this scope
make[1]: *** [obj/lowlevel_Release/lcpu.o] Error 1
make: *** [lowlevel] Error 2

Second error is just 'int' missing before ret. But I don't know what to do with first one. Where CONFIG_NR_CPUS is defined?

comment:9 by fcxSanya, 13 years ago

I asked Philip about CONFIG_NR_CPUS:

<fcxSanya> Philip`, - do you know where CONFIG_NR_CPUS is defined (or maybe it should not be defined)?
<Philip`> fcxSanya: It's defined in the kernel source code, I believe
<Philip`> (not a user-space thing)
<fcxSanya> hm, so we can't use it?
<Philip`> No
<Philip`> hence the comment in the pre-patched code about having to loop to detect it at run-time

by Jan Wassenberg, 13 years ago

Attachment: lcpu_affinity_547.patch added

comment:10 by Jan Wassenberg, 13 years ago

Thanks for the feedback and asking Philip! Too bad we can't get at that config variable - I had hoped the header used when building Linux was available to apps. I bit the bullet and implemented the looping logic - please give it another go :)

comment:11 by fcxSanya, 13 years ago

Looks working now:

$ ./test
Running 253 tests..................................................................................................................................APIC 0: 0x0
APIC 1: 0x1
APIC 2: 0x2
APIC 3: 0x3

$ ./pyrogenesis 
Cache: 500 (total: 3960) MiB
TIMER| InitVfs: 91.8194 ms
TIMER| InitScripting: 6.44537 ms
TIMER| CONFIG_Init: 162.187 ms
APIC 0: 0x0
APIC 1: 0x1
APIC 2: 0x2
APIC 3: 0x3
TIMER| RunHardwareDetection: 33.2567 ms

in reply to:  10 comment:12 by Philip Taylor, 13 years ago

Replying to jan:

Too bad we can't get at that config variable - I had hoped the header used when building Linux was available to apps.

The problem isn't just that it's inaccessible - people could recompile their kernel with different configuration and then run their old applications, so applications could never safely rely on that value at compile-time.

I don't think there's any reason that CONFIG_NR_CPUS should be expected to have a maximum of 4096 in DetectMaxCpus, so that loop probably shouldn't have an upper limit. (If we knew an upper limit then we could just hard-code an allocation of that amount instead of looping.)

It'd perhaps be nice for the patch to retain a reference to #547 since that explains some of the relevant context.

comment:13 by Jan Wassenberg, 13 years ago

(In [10373]) proper fix for brain-dead Linux affinity API (that code was disabled in #547) refs #985

comment:14 by Jan Wassenberg, 13 years ago

Alex: thanks for testing! I have just committed the patch after further minor changes to reflect Philip's comments. #547 and the problem with CONFIG_NR_CPUS are now mentioned. I've also lifted the limit to 64K, although even 4K is pretty much a stretch for current shared-memory machines. A (large) static limit might cause problems if Linux decides to reject TOO large cpu_sets, so this loop approach is better. I believe a cutoff is helpful to prevent infinite loops in the case of some other failure within sched_getaffinity.

Leaving this ticket open until the zero problem is also fixed.

comment:15 by Jan Wassenberg, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

(In [10374]) apic: avoid warning message for ancient single-core, non-HT processors. fixes #985 wvm: improve diagnostics if allocation failed

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