Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#994 new enhancement

Running / Charging Units — at Version 1

Reported by: historic_bruno Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone: Backlog
Component: Simulation Keywords: run, charge, unit, motion
Cc: Patch:

Description (last modified by michael)

Change History (1)

comment:1 by michael, 12 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

First, the distinction between "run" and "charge":

Run: This occurs when a unit is moving quickly to "catch up" to a group of other units it was tasked to move with. This could also occur with input from the player to get units to move to another position quickly. Player can even task units to run to a resource to gather.

Charge: This is a fast movement initiated by the player against enemy units. The unit closes quickly with the enemy target unit (generally at 2x or 3x walking speed) and then the first attack is bonused (usually 2x).

This was how this was achieved in Sim1:

Units that could run/charge had a stamina value in their template file. This would drain at a steady rate while running or charging and would replenish when the unit was idle. If stamina was drained to 0, then the unit would not run or charge (except to run to catch up to a formation move command).

A double-right click initiated a run or charge.

Charging speed was the same as the run speed in the template file.

What I would look is to generally keep the same scheme as Sim1, with some differences:

Running speed and Charging speed should have two different components in the unit template file. I would generally make Running 2x walking speed and Charging 3x walking speed.

Charging should drain Stamina faster than Running.

I would like there to be a distance at which charging becomes more effective and then a further distance at which it becomes less effective. For instance, charge too close and the charge attack is only bonused 1.5x. Charge at the right distance and the unit gets the full 2x bonus. Charge too far and only get the 1.5x bonus.

It would be good to have acceleration if possible.

Please feel free to rip apart my ideas.

Last edited 12 years ago by michael (previous) (diff)
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