


  • Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit
  • Visual Studio 2010 Professional SP1
  • Java JRE 7
  • Install Jenkins slave agent service
  • Git for Windows (options: no Explorer integration, don't add to path, core.autocrlf=true)
  • Set up SSH:
    • Open Git Bash
    • "ssh-keygen -t rsa"
    • "ssh username@autobuild-jenkins", accept key
    • Copy C:\Users\Username\.ssh to C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\.ssh

Physical layout

autobuild-jenkins, autobuild-win7 are VirtualBox VMs running on the same physical machine. They each have a NAT connection to the internet, and a host-only network connection between themselves and the host.

The physical machine runs Xubuntu desktop 12.04, amd64.

Jenkins jobs

Automatically on every commit to 'master', and manually when triggered on some other branch by a trusted user, it should:

  • Build on Linux to detect build errors (some combinations of x86 vs amd64, pch vs non-pch, old GCC vs new GCC vs Clang, etc)
  • Build on Windows (currently just VS2010, x86)
    • Upload binaries to somewhere, somehow
  • Build on weird platforms (BSD, OS X, Android) if anyone cares about them

Periodically it should:

  • Run Doxygen on master, upload generated docs to web server

On demand it should:

  • Create releases packages: get the code/data from a requested release branch, get the associated Windows binaries, build, build tarballs and Windows installer, upload to web server
Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on Mar 5, 2013, 6:11:38 PM
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