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Supported Orders

This must be kept in sync with unit_actions.js selection.js input.js

Action             	                    – English
order_build             	            – I will build.
order_walk                                  - I will walk.
order_repair                                - I will repair.
order_attack                                - I will attack! I will go out against them! I will march! I will retreat! Battle cry.
order_gather                                - I will gather. I will fish. I will hunt. I will work land. I will herd.
order_guard                                 - I will guard.
order_garrison                              - I will garrison.
order_patrol                                - I will patrol.
order_trade                                 - I will trade.
order_heal                                  - I will heal.
select             	                    – What is it? My lord?


  • Athenians: Attic Greek
  • Britons: Welsh?
  • Carthaginians: Hebrew?
  • Gauls:
  • Iberians: Basque?
  • Kushites: Late Egyptian
  • Macedonians: Attic Greek
  • Mauryas: Sanskrit?
  • Persian: Old Persian
  • Ptolemies: Koine Greek
  • Romans: Latin
  • Seleucids: Koine Greek
  • Spartans: Attic Greek





A close approximation of the Napatan dialect spoken by the Kushites.

English             	                    – Late Egyptian	                       – pronunciation (IPA)
What is it?            	                    – Ya-merak iḫ?	                       – ja'merak ix
My lord?               	                    – Payi Neb?	                               – pa:'ji: neb
I will walk            	                    – Tu-i r ḫantaš	                       – tu: i: r 'xantaʃ
I will go out against them	            – Tu-i r šem r-šoʿ-san	               – tu: i: r ʃem r 'ʃo:ʕsan
I will build           	                    – Tu-i r qode	                       – tu: i: r 'qo:de
I will work land                  	    – Tu-i r garag-meru	                       – tu: i: garag'me:ru:
I will gather together 	                    – Tu-i r ʿawo	                       – tu: i: r ʕa'wo:
I will herd            	                    – Tu-i m mini	                       – tu: i: m 'mi:ni:
I will fish            	                    – Tu-i m weḥʿa-remu	                       – tu: i: m weħʕa're:mu:
I will attack!                              – Tu-i r ʿaḥo	                       – tu: i: r ʕa'ħo:
I will repair          	                    – Tu-i r ʿayin se	                       – tu: i: r ʕa'ji:n se:
I will hunt            	                    – Tu-i r boḥas	                       – tu: i: r 'bo:ħas
I will heal 	                            – ʿOnḫ, Waḏo, Sonb!	                       – ʕo:nx wa'dʲo: 'so:nb̩
I will march!          	                    – Tu-i r moša	                       – tu: i: r 'mo:ʃa
I will retreat!        	                    – Tu-i r poẖer tayi wot	               – tu: i: 'po:xer ta:'ji: wo:t
Battle cry                                  – Tu-en mi Saḫmet m-tayes ot!	       – tu: n mi: saxmet m ta:jes o:t
I will garrison	                            – Tu-en ẖar peru	                       – tu: n xar peru:


English                — Ancient Greek (transcription) — Attic/Classical — Koine/Byzantine/Modern
What is it?            — τί εστι; (tí esti?)           — [tí esti]       — [tí esti]
My lord?               — δεσπότεα μου (despótea mou)   — [despótea moː]  — [despótea mu]
I will walk            — βήσομαι (bḗsomai)             — [bέːsomai̯]      — [vísomai̯]
I will go out against  — ἀντέξειμι (antékseimi)        — [antékseːmi]    — [antéksimi]
I will build           — τεύξω (teúksō)                — [teǔ̯ksɔː]       — [tevkso]
I will work land       — γεωργήσω (geōrgḗsō)           — [geɔːrgέːsɔː]   — [georgíso]
I will gather together — συλλέξομαι (sylléksomai)      — [sylːéksomai̯]   — [silléksomai̯]
I will herd            — νέμω (némō)                   — [némɔː]         — [némo]
I will fish            — ἁλιεύσω (halieúsō)            — [halieǔ̯sɔː]     — [halievso]

I will attack!         — (eisbàlomen)
I will repair          — (siachno)
I will hunt            — (kynegetèo)
I will heal            — (iàomai)
I will march!          — (porèuomai)
I will retreat!        — (hypochorèsis)
Battle cry             — (alalài, alalalài!)
I will garrison        — (parafulakh)



Note: “c” was pronounced as “k” in all positions, “ae” and “oe” were pronounced as “ai” and “oi”; e.g. “Caesar” was pronounced in Classical Latin as “Kaiser” in German; and “v” was pronounced as “w”.

English                           — Latin
Hello                             — Avē
What is it?                       — Quid est?
My lord?                          — Domine?
I will walk                       — Ambulābo
I will fight                      — Pugnābo
I will build                      — Aedificābo
I will work land                  — Agrum colam
I will gather                     — Cogam
I will herd                       — Agam
I will fish                       — Piscābor

I will attack!                    — Aggrediar!
I will repair                     — Restituam
I will hunt                       — Venābor
I will heal                       — Curābo
I will march!                     — Incedam!
I will retreat!                   — Recedam!
Battle cry                        — Clāmāte! 
(I will put myself into) garrison — Praesidium (me ponam)

Old Persian

Note: “x” was pronounced as “ch” in Scottish “loch” or as “ch” in German “auch”.

English                 — Old Persian         — Pronunciation
Your soldier            — tuvama hamaränakara — [tuːvæmæ hæmaräːnæˑkæræ]
Orders?                 — framäna             — [framäːnæ]
Yes?                    — äriy                — [äːriː]
What is it?             — chi asti            — [tʃi astiː]
Ready                   — spasyā              — [spasyaː]
My King?                — adam xšaiya         — [adam xʃaya]
Forward                 — parā                — [para]
I will go               — aramiy              — [aræmiː]
By your order           — hachä tuvam framäna — [hætʃäː tuvæm framäːnæ]
I will build            — taxšamiy            — [taxʃamiː]
I will gather wood      — draxtakaramiy       — [draxtækaramiː]
I will gather from mine — kanamiy zama        — [kanamiː zamæ]
I will gather food      — thāigarchiamiy      — [θaːigartʃiaˑmiː]
I will work             — karamiy             — [karamiː]
I will hunt             — škāramiy            — [ʃkäramiː]

Attack!                 — taga                — [tægaː]
Attack!                 — partara             — [partaraˑ]
To war!                 — pariy hamaräna      — [pariː hamaräːna]




Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Jan 13, 2020, 11:22:52 AM
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