Part of the 0 A.D. Gameplay Manual


A list of the various default HotKeys available within the game. You can also consult this in the in-game Manual.

To change hotkeys, go to "Options"->"Hotkeys" from the game menu or the in-game menu.


  • Alt + F4 or Super + Q or Ctrl + Break: Immediately close the game, without asking for confirmation.
  • Alt + Enter (Return): Toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode.
  • ~ or F9: Toggle console.
  • Alt + F: Toggle frames per second (FPS) counter.
  • F11: Toggle real-time profiler (cycles through the displays of information).
  • Shift + F11: Save current profiler data to "logs/profile.txt".
  • F2: Take screenshot (in .png format, location is displayed in the top left of the GUI after the file has been saved, and can also be seen in the console/logs if you miss it there).
  • Shift + F2: Take huge screenshot (format size can be adjusted via the config file, in .bmp format, location is displayed in the top left of the GUI after the file has been saved, and can also be seen in the console/logs if you miss it there).
  • Tab, Alt + S: Switch to the next tab.
  • Shift + Tab, Alt + W: Switch to the previous tab.

When entering text

  • Ctrl + X: Cut the selected text and put it into clipboard.
  • Ctrl + C: Copy the selected text.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste what's in the clipboard (it might be copied from text entered previously in-game or from another program).
  • Ctrl + Backspace: Delete the word to the left of the cursor.
  • Ctrl + Delete: Delete the word to the right of the cursor.
  • Ctrl + (Left): Move the cursor to the start of the word to the left of the cursor.
  • Ctrl + (Right): Move the cursor to the start of the word to the right of the cursor.
  • Tab: Autocomplete usernames.

In Game

  • Left Click on unit/structure/resource: Select that unit/structure/resource.
  • Double Left Click on unit/structure: Select all of your units/structures of the same kind on the screen (even if they are different ranks).
  • Triple Left Click on unit/structure: Select all of your units/structures of the same kind and the same rank on the screen.
  • Alt + Double Left Click on unit/structure: Select all your units/structures of the same kind on the entire map (even if they are different ranks).
  • Alt + Triple Left Click on unit/structure: Select all your units/structures of the same kind and rank on the entire map.
  • Esc: Close all in-game windows (chat, menu) or clear selected units.
  • Shift + F5: Quicksave.
  • Shift + F8: Quickload.
  • F10: Toggle menu.
  • F12: Toggle time elapsed counter.
  • Enter (Return): Open chat box/send chat message.
  • T: Send team chat.
  • L: Chat with the previously selected private chat partner.
  • Pause, Shift + Space: Pause/resume the game.
  • Delete: Delete currently selected unit(s)/structure(s), ask for confirmation.
  • Shift + Delete: Immediately delete currently selected unit(s)/structure(s), without asking for confirmation.
  • . (Period): Select idle worker (including Citizen Soldiers).
  • Shift + . (Period): Add idle worker to selection (including Citizen Soldiers).
  • Alt + . (Period): Select all idle workers (including Citizen Soldiers).
  • / (Slash): Select idle fighter.
  • Shift + / (Slash): Add idle fighter to selection.
  • Alt + / (Slash): Select all idle fighters.
  • \ (Backslash): Select idle unit.
  • Shift + \ (Backslash): Add idle unit to selection.
  • Alt + \ (Backslash): Select all idle units.
  • H: Stop (halt) the currently selected unit(s).
  • Y: Order the unit(s) back to work.
  • U: Eject (“Unload”) all garrisoned unit(s) from the selected unit(s)/structure(s)
  • Ctrl + 1 (and so on up to Ctrl + 0): Create control group 1 (to 0) from the selected unit(s)/structure(s).
  • 1 (and so on up to 0): Select the units/structures in control group 1 (to 0).
  • Shift + 1 (to 0): Add control group 1 (to 0) to the the selected unit(s)/structure(s).
  • Ctrl + F5 (and so on up to F8) — Mark the current camera position, for jumping back to later
  • F5(and so on up to F8) — Move the camera to a marked position. Jump back to the last location if the camera is already over the marked position
  • Left Click on a group icon: Select the members of the group.
  • Double Left Click on a group icon: Focus the members of the group.
  • Right Click on a group icon: Disband the group.
  • Z, X, C, V, B, N, M, ,: With training structures selected. Add the 1st, 2nd, … unit shown to the training queue for all the selected structures.
  • PageUp with units selected: Highlight the unit(s)/structure(s) guarded by the selection.
  • PageDown with units/structures selected: Highlight the unit(s) guarding the selection.
  • Tab: Toggle all status bars (which would also show the structure progress).
  • Shift + Alt + T: Toggle the “Structure Tree” window.
  • Shift + Alt + H: Toggle the “Civilizations” (“History”) window.
  • Ctrl + H: Toggle in-game “Diplomacy” window.
  • Ctrl + B: Toggle in-game “Barter & Trade” window.
  • Ctrl + O: Toggle in-game “Objectives” window.
  • Ctrl + P: Toggle in-game tutorial window.
  • Ctrl + Tab: Toggle the “Summary” window.
  • Alt + L: Toggle the multiplayer “Lobby” window.

Modify mouse action

  • J + Right Click on structure: Repair.
  • G + Right Click on unit/structure: Guard.
  • P + Right Click: Patrol.
  • Shift + Right Click: Queue the move/build/gather/etc. order.
  • Alt + Right Click: Order one unit from the current selection to move/build/gather/etc. and unselect it. Used to quickly dispatch units with specific tasks.
  • Shift + Left Click:
    • when training units: Add units in batches (the batch size is 5 by default and can be changed in the options).
    • on garrisoned unit(s): Ungarrison all units of the same type.
    • on market barter resource icons: Buy/sell resources in increments of 500 (instead of 100).
  • Shift + Left Click or Left Drag over unit on map: Add unit to selection.
  • Ctrl + Left Click or Left Drag over unit on map: Remove unit from selection.
  • Alt + Left Drag over units on map: Only select military units.
  • Alt + Y + Left Drag over units on map: Only select non-military units.
  • I + Left Drag over units on map: Only select idle units.
  • O + Left Drag over units on map: Only select wounded units.
  • Ctrl + Left Click on unit/group icon with multiple units selected: Unselect.
  • Right Click with structure(s) selected: Set a rally point for created/ungarrisoned units.
  • Right Click on the selected structure: Unset the rally point.
  • Ctrl + Right Click on a structure with structure(s) selected: Set the rally point for created/ungarrisoned units to garrison inside the structure.
  • Ctrl + Right Click with units selected:
    • If the cursor is over an allied structure: Garrison.
    • If the cursor is over a non-allied unit or structure: Attack (instead of capture or gather).
    • Otherwise: Attack-move (by default all enemy units and structures along the way are targeted)
  • Ctrl + Q + Right Click with unit(s) selected – Attack move, only units along the way are targeted
  • Right Drag with units selected: When the mouse is released, the units will spread out on your drawn line. Same modification options like normal move command.
  • Ctrl + Mouse Move near structures – Align the new structure with an existing nearby structure.

Overlays and developer options

  • Alt + Shift + W: Toggle wireframe mode (press once to get wireframes overlaid over the textured models, twice to get just the wireframes colored by the textures, thrice to get back to normal textured mode).
  • Alt + Shift + S: Toggle unit silhouettes (might give a small performance boost).
  • Alt + D: Toggle the developer overlay (with developer options).
  • Alt + G: Toggle the graphical user interface (GUI).
  • Alt + K: Toggle the 0 A.D. logo and copyright notice as a watermark for images.
  • Alt + Z: Toggle sky.
  • Alt + X: Toggle diplomacy colors.
  • Alt + C: Toggle attack range visualizations of selected units and structures.
  • Alt + V: Toggle aura range visualizations of selected units and structures.
  • Alt + B: Toggle heal range visualizations of selected units.
  • Space: If timewarp mode enabled (in the developer overlay), speed up the game.
  • Backspace: If timewarp mode enabled (in the developer overlay), go back to an earlier point in the game.

Camera manipulation

  • = (Equals) or + (Plus): Zoom in (keep pressed for continuous zoom).
  • - (Hyphen) or (Minus): Zoom out (keep pressed for continuous zoom).
  • Middle Mouse Button: Keep pressed and move the mouse to pan.
  • W or (Up): Pan screen up.
  • S or (Down): Pan screen down.
  • A or (Left): Pan screen left.
  • D or (Right): Pan screen right.
  • Ctrl + W or Ctrl + (Up): Rotate camera to look upward.
  • Ctrl + S or Ctrl + (Down): Rotate camera to look downward.
  • Ctrl + A or Ctrl + (Left): Rotate camera clockwise around terrain.
  • Ctrl + D or Ctrl + (Right): Rotate camera counter-clockwise around terrain.
  • Q: Rotate camera clockwise around terrain.
  • E: Rotate camera counter-clockwise around terrain.
  • Shift + Mouse Wheel Rotate Up: Rotate camera clockwise around terrain.
  • Shift + Mouse Wheel Rotate Down: Rotate camera counter-clockwise around terrain.
  • F: Follow the selected unit (move the camera to stop it from following the unit).
  • R: Reset camera zoom/rotation.

During structure placement

  • [ (Left Bracket): Rotate structure 15 degrees counter-clockwise.
  • ] (Right Bracket): Rotate structure 15 degrees clockwise.
  • Left Drag: Rotate structure using mouse (foundation will be placed on mouse release).

When loading a saved game

  • Esc: Cancel.
  • Delete: Delete the selected saved game, ask for confirmation.
  • Shift + Delete: Immediately delete the selected saved game, without asking for confirmation.
Last modified 3 years ago Last modified on Oct 31, 2021, 2:16:40 AM
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