Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#3117 closed enhancement (wontfix)

mod zip files should not require a directory with same name

Reported by: fabio Owned by:
Priority: Should Have Milestone:
Component: Core engine Keywords:
Cc: Patch:


Currently zip mods are required to be installed in a subdirectory inside mods with the same mod name, e.g.: mods/public/ .

It would be nice if the zip could be stay directly inside the mods dir, e.g.: mods/ . So no need for users to create the directory, just put the zip in the mods dir.

No change for uncompressed (no zip) mods.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by leper, 9 years ago

Milestone: Backlog
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

How would this work with the files the PPA uses?

The game just loads all files in a mod folder and all files in any zip at the place where that zip is.



is the same as


(ignoring things like different priorities of files, and overwriting/removing them).

The real issue with the whole thing is that users still need to copy the mod zip to that place, I plan to fix this by distributing mods as somemod.pyromod files that would just be moved/copied to the correct location by the engine (thus removing the need for users fiddling with those paths manually).

comment:2 by fabio, 9 years ago

The game should just get instructed that a zip file should act as a dir, so that


is equivalent to

mods/foo/( content)

Alternatively the zip should also keep the foo dir internally. No idea how that could be done, but it doesn't sound impossible.

I agree about the mod distributor, but not everyone could use it (non free or developing mods).

comment:3 by leper, 9 years ago

Not distributor. Just functionality in the engine that installs the mod in the correct place. Keeping the dir internally might work, but then you likely have the issue of having n zip files in there.

And just installing the file in the right place makes this a non-issue IMO.

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