Opened 14 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#504 closed defect (fixed)

Shadows popping in/out at edges of screen

Reported by: Xin Owned by: philip
Priority: Nice to Have Milestone: Alpha 17
Component: Core engine Keywords: patch
Cc: Patch:


Currently, shadows and geometry have a visible pop in/out at the edges of the screen due to culling too early.

I'm not sure what the previous comment is referring to with shadow maps becoming too low-detail with a larger culling frustum, but one way to fix shadows popping in at the edge of the screen is to widen the culling frustum so that objects aren't culled as early. The downside is that objects will get rendered even though they appear off screen, which is somewhat inefficient. A better solution would be to decouple shadow map rendering from model rendering; as it is now, a shadow map is only rendered if its associated model is to be rendered (I think).

Attachments (1)

shadow_culling_frustum_adjust.patch (1.8 KB ) - added by Xin 14 years ago.
Patch for culling frustum widening.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (18)

by Xin, 14 years ago

Patch for culling frustum widening.

comment:1 by Philip Taylor, 14 years ago

Keywords: review removed

The shadow map detail is an issue because (as far as I can tell) the shadow-renderer picks a frustum that's large enough to fit in all non-culled objects (with the frustum axis matching the direction of the sun), and renders that (from the sun's location) to a fixed-size shadow map, and if fewer objects are culled then the frustum will have to be larger and each shadowed object will cover fewer pixels and be less detailed. (Enable the m_DisplayFrustum flag in Renderer.cpp then try a map with a small number of objects (maybe make one in the Atlas editor) and move the lighting around, to see what it's doing.)

Just expanding the culling frustum won't solve the problem properly, because far-away objects might still cast a shadow - the worst case is a tall building on a cliff with the sun at a low angle, so it casts across the entire map. It seems like it ought to be possible to handle this correctly - construct the shadow frustum based on all the objects and terrain patches that are visible on the screen (i.e. might receive shadows), then find all the objects and patches that intersect that frustum (i.e. might cast shadows) and render those onto the shadow map, and then do the normal rendering based on the normal tight visibility culling. I don't know how inefficient that'll be, but it seems better to focus on correctness now (to avoid ugliness with low sun angles) and optimisations later.

This patch is still an improvement over the previous code so I'll commit it now, but I'll leave the ticket open since it'd be good to fix this more robustly.

comment:2 by philip, 14 years ago

(In [7562]) Expand the culling frustum to reduce shadow popping (see #504). Based on patch from Zoomastigophora.

comment:3 by Xin, 14 years ago

Weird, I didn't get an email notifying me of a reply to this ticket.

Anyway, I'm in agreement with you, hence my comment about the need to decouple shadow map rendering from object rendering. From what I could understand based on the code, Renderer maintains an internal list of models to be rendered at every frame and calls each models Render() when it's time to render everything. Each model then handles drawing itself and its shadow. This is where it gets confusing for me; from what I can tell, ShadowMap is a collection of matrices and lighting values that a RenderModifier uses if its render mode is set to MODELFLAG_CASTSHADOWS. Beyond that, I get lost due to the fragmentation of the code across so many files and classes (for instance, I still haven't figured out where the actual generation of the shadow texture is being done). Still, the main issue is that shadow map rendering is handled by models and what you're describing is generally how games do shadow rendering from my understanding i.e. a separate pass entirely for shadows, ignoring whether an object's model should be drawn or not. I don't mind trying to impelement this, but it'll take some time unless there is technical design documents and interaction diagrams I haven't seen.

comment:4 by Philip Taylor, 14 years ago

Hmm, maybe I need to turn Trac's always_notify_reporter on so that you get this email...

There isn't any documentation other than what's in the code. As a historical note, the renderer started as a simpler design with no support for shaders or instancing and with most of the behaviour hard-coded or based on flags. It got largely redesigned later by a different programmer, adding those features and adding abstractions for passes and modifiers and abstract base classes and all that stuff, making it more powerful and more complex. So the current code is a combination of those two styles.

My current understanding is: I don't think it's accurate to say each model renders itself - the shadow map generation is driven by CRenderer::RenderShadowMap, which calls m->Model.Normal->Render(...) etc, where m->Model.Normal is a ModelRenderer. Each model renderer stores some representation of a list of models which have been Submit()ed to it via CRenderer::SubmitNonRecursive.

SubmitNonRecursive is called most commonly by CCmpVisualActor::RenderSubmit, which is part of the simulation code - the graphics code doesn't maintain a persistent list of renderable models, it just asks the simulation code what models ought to be rendered at this instant. (Many models are submitted by a single CCmpProjectileManager::RenderSubmit - there's not a one-to-one correspondence between models and simulation entities).

All those RenderSubmits are called by CGameView::EnumerateObjects, which is called by CRenderer::RenderScene.

If we want to do shadow-culling differently to visibility-culling, I think that means CRenderer::RenderScene should call CGameView::EnumerateObjects once with the camera frustum to collect all the visible objects (like it does now). Then it should compute the shadow-rendering frustum, and call CGameView::EnumerateObjects a second time with the new frustum and a new scene collector (which submits to a new set of ModelRenderers) in order to collect all the shadow-casting objects. Then CRenderer::RenderShadowMap can use the new set of ModelRenderers, and it's independent of the normal non-shadow models.

comment:5 by Jay Weisskopf, 14 years ago

#142 is a duplicate of this issue. I left this one open since it has more detail. As #142 pointed out, this issue also applies to objects which can be seen in reflections.

comment:6 by (none), 14 years ago

Milestone: Unclassified

Milestone Unclassified deleted

comment:7 by Andrew, 14 years ago

Milestone: OS Alpha 2

comment:8 by Andrew, 14 years ago

Milestone: OS Alpha 2Backlog

comment:9 by Luke Martinez, 13 years ago

Keywords: shadows disappearing jumpy added
Priority: Nice to HaveShould Have

With my map. "arabian nights, when the tops of the dunes are out of view the shadows click in and out of view. I'm running from SVN, compiled in late December."

comment:10 by Luke Martinez, 13 years ago

I can also find a few other maps that this is a problem with, maps with cliffs oe steep hills combined with sunset meet this fate.

comment:11 by Luke Martinez, 13 years ago

Priority: Should HaveNice to Have

comment:12 by Kieran P, 12 years ago

Keywords: patch review added; shadows disappearing jumpy removed
Milestone: BacklogAlpha 12
Owner: set to myconid

comment:13 by historic_bruno, 12 years ago

Keywords: review removed

There's nothing reviewable here AFAIK. The patch was already reviewed and applied years ago, but it's not a good enough solution.

comment:14 by Kieran P, 11 years ago

Milestone: Alpha 12Backlog

Moving to backlog. Perhaps myconid's upcoming changes to the renderer will make generating shadows a lot less problematic. We'll wait and see. Refs #579

comment:15 by historic_bruno, 11 years ago

Owner: myconid removed

comment:16 by philip, 10 years ago

Owner: set to philip
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 15445:

Fix culling for shadows and reflections.

Previously we had a single culling frustum based on the main camera, and any object outside the frustum would never get rendered, even if it should actually contribute to shadows or reflections/refractions. This caused ugly pop-in effects in the shadows and reflections while scrolling.

Extend the renderer to support multiple cull groups, each with a separate frustum and with separate lists of submitted objects, so that shadows and reflections will render the correctly culled sets of objects.

Update the shadow map generation to compute the (hopefully) correct bounds and matrices for this new scheme.

Include terrain patches in the shadow bounds, so hills can cast shadows correctly.

Remove the code that tried to render objects slightly outside the camera frustum in order to reduce the pop-in effect, since that was a workaround for the lack of a proper fix.

Remove the model/patch filtering code, which was used to cull objects that were in the normal camera frustum but should be excluded from reflections/refractions, since that's redundant now too.

Inline DistanceToPlane to save a few hundred usecs per frame inside CCmpUnitRenderer::RenderSubmit.

Fixes #504, #579.

comment:17 by B. Guns, 10 years ago

Milestone: BacklogAlpha 17
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